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Sunghoon is restless. And that is obvious as everyone in the group can see and can tell it. They knew something's up with him but everytime they try to reach for him and talk about his concern, Sunghoon would brush them off, saying that he's just tired.

They are worried. But everytime the ravenette would catch them looking at him with worried eyes, he would just give them an assuring smile. Of course, he never share his concerns because according to him, it's his problem and his concerns, not theirs so he didn't want to share it to the other members.

Now, they are invited to perform one of their track in a music festival in Seoul. They've been performing that song countless of times already so they are less tense when they have told about the sudden schedule.


Sunghoon let out a sigh as he closed his eyes, letting the make up artists do their job in enhancing his features as his mind drifted to his wife.

He wanted to laugh and smack himself for being stupid. He should've informed her before, he should've consulted her about his decision before acting to it, before agreeing to that stupid dating. Now, it's like fate didn't want him to tell the other.

That night, when he asked his wife for them to talk, for him to explain everything and also to seek forgiveness even though he knew he didn't deserve one, he didn't came. Or more like fate didn't let him as when he was on his way, his phone rang. Thinking it was his wife, he answered it in just a split second but when he heard one of the member's voice, their leader's voice, telling him to go back in the building as soon as possible as it was said that they will have a meeting, his system filled with other disappointment.

But he asked Jungwon if they can go have a meeting without him. He pleaded because he knew Rian is hurting. So after a lot of convincing, their leader finally agreed, telling him that he'll try to cover him up and that he should clear the misunderstanding between him and to his wife. Sunghoon remember how relieved he was that time.

But just as when he crossed the road that night, a stupid drunk man suddenly blocked the other side of the road causing him to turn to the side to avoid hitting the man but hit a tree instead. He still remember how frustrated he was that time. And just when he decided to come out, his phone began ringing, it was his manager.

So without much of a choice, he answered his phone and asked his manager to come and pick him up, he can't be in that place anymore, not when people can easily recognize him. Though, asking help for his manager was also means going to the meeting, and he knew he doesn't have much of a choice.

Once everyone was ready, they were instructed to get into the van and goes to the venue. It took a few minutes before they arrived and they were told to prepare themselves into the dressing room.

"Enhypen will perform in ten. " The staff who passed by, informed them before going to other room to inform the other artists as well.

"Have you seen Jay? " The ravenette heard Heeseung asked the other members so he roamed his eyes inside the room they were given and noticed that one of the members, is indeed missing.

"Maybe he goes to the restroom. " Ni-ki answered nonchalantly, giving his hyung's a glance before going back to his phone.

"Let me check—"

"I'll go. " Sunghoon immediately interrupted the other. Heeseung gave him a look before he nodded  hesitantly.

"Okay, but be quick. " Sunghoon gave the oldest a nod before exiting the room, fishing out his phone from his pocket and started calling the other. But to his dismay, it looks like Jay is having an ongoing call.

He turned to the side and went inside a certain door, expecting to see their missing member but saw nothing instead. He checked every cubicle but no Jay camd in his sight, not even his shadow. So with a sigh, he walked out of the restroom and began wandering around the backstage, hoping to find the man in the backstage.


"I don't want to argue with you Eunjung so please, understand. " Jay pleased, pacing back and forth, hand inside his pocket while the other is holding the phone on his ear.

"I don't want to fight either but can't you see? Just tell him what happened to his wife! " She's mad, he can tell. He is also going frustrated.

"I will after the performance, just not now. You should understand! " This time, Jay can't help but to raise his voice causing the other side to go silent for a few seconds.

"What if it's switched and I was the one in the ER right now and you having no fucking clue about me, what would you feel? "

The man massaged the bridge of his nose, an attempt to calm himself down.

Eunjung has been blowing his phone with missed calls and so when they arrived in the venue, he decided to go in a secluded part of the backstage before answering his phone only for his girlfriend to tell him to inform Sunghoon what happened to Rian.

And as much as Jay wanted to inform his friend, he can't. He knew Sunghoon. He will probably mess the performance or worst, ditch the performance and goes to where Rian is at which is clearly not a good idea. Not when everyone thinks that he is dating Wonyoung.

Jay inhaled deeply. "Look, Eunjung. I can't tell Sunghoon that his wife is in the hospital right now, we can't mess up one performance knowing that every eyes are focuses on us. "

"Rian is fucking pregnant, Park Jongseong! " The other blurted. Jay is aware of that already since the girl  accidentally spilled that information to him. Though, he didn't inform Sunghoon as Eunjung told him not to, plus it's not their place to tell him.

Why can't she understand?

"I know his wife is pregnant, but I can't really tell Sunghoon that his wife is suffering right—"

"What did you said? "

Out of instinct, Jay immediately turned around and to his horror, he saw Sunghoon looking at him wide eyed. He froze, mind going blank for a second.

When Jay didn't reply, Sunghoon walked closer and stood right in front of him. "Rian is in the hospital? And pregnant? "

Well fuck.


Just like what Jay predicted, Sunghoon begged, literally on his knees to their manager and to their leader to let him go.

After he spilled everything to the man, Sunghoon broke down and immediately went to their manager, asking his permission.

He's desperate. All this time, Rian is pregnant and was enduring it alone. And that fact alone makes him want to beat himself badly. He's so stupid. He's so dumb.

He didn't know if he would he happy after hearing the news about his wife  being pregnant when she is in the hospital. The reason? He didn't fucking know. But regardless, he feels at fault. He neglected her when she needed him the most. It probably hard for her to dealt with it alone. And that day, when he saw pain in her eyes when she found out about him and Wonyoung.... Fuck!

Sunghoon never hated himself and his work up until now when their manager told him he can't miss the performance. He never hated his career till that time. He asked help for Jungwon, but their leader just apologize to him, telling him that after the performance, he can go.

So he endured it, cursing his career. He performed in front of the people with fake smile on his face whilst his heart clenching in pain.

And again, it's seemed as if fate was punishing him as when it's his turn to sing, he goes in the middle, that's when something came from above them and fell right to him, hitting his head causing him to fall on the ground.

Fans began screaming, staffs going on the stage and his eyes closing. His mind doesn't think anyone else beside his wife before the darkness engulfed him completely.

UNTOLD MARRIAGE ; sunghoonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz