08. Soul of the Party

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A loud phone noise echoes in my room and I wake up immediately. Did I turned on my alarm? It's Saturday.

I grab my phone to turn that off and realize it's a phone call, not my alarm. Jess? It's 8 a.m., why is she calling?

"Um hello?" I say reaching my phone to me ear.

"Hey beb! Did I woke you up?" Jess says through my phone.

"Kinda, but it's fine. What's up?" She barely ever calls me, probably because she knows I hate having calls, so whenever she actually called it was important.

"You have to come with me and the others tonight." She says excitedly and I'm more confused than before. What was the urgency in calling me at 8:00 a.m. to invite me to hang out with her friends in the night? More exactly, why would she invite me to hang out with them when she knows I probably won't accept?

I know that not wanting to hang with them may be rude, and I feel terrible about that, but hanging out with them is uncomfortable and awkward, horrible scenario for me.

"Um what are you talking about?" I ask not really knowing what she actually meant.

"Well Robert's birthday is today and mine is this Monday, so we are partying till Monday!" She says excitedly.

"You mean three days in a row?" I ask in disbelief. How can someone even party three days in a row I'll be exhausted by 2 a.m. of the first night.

"Well you can come just on Monday, since it's my birthday. Jake will drive all of us to my house after school." I don't like hanging out with them but it's her birthday, I can't really say no.

"That sounds good, but I'll just stay for while since it's a school night."

"Of course beb, as you wish." She agrees and I hope this whole thing goes well.

After sleeping for a few more hours, my mom woke me up to have some breakfast with her, dad wasn't here for some reason, not that I was complaining.

As I was scrolling through my school e-mail, I noticed one talking about a road trip.

Dear students,

It's my pleasure to announce the road trip our beloved high school is organizing for all our students. The whole information will be emailed in the next days, plus your teachers will happily give a detailed explanation next week. It will have an accesible price and lots of fun! Hope to see all of you there!

All the best,

John Hudson.

A road trip sounds like fun, although I barely know anything about it. But I got two problems here: first of all, my parents. I don't want to create any problems since it's a big ass permission and they might stress about it. The whole convincing them to let me go and explaining everything to them sounds really tiring.

Meanwhile, the other problem is that even if I convince my parents, I have no one to go with.

In those road trips you share a room with other people, if you don't have anyone to go with, you will be staying with strangers. That's so weird, it would be like 'hi I don't know you at all, but I'll sleep next to you for some days'. Hell no.

Jess is probably going but she is definitely staying with her friends, so there's no point in going. I'll just stay home and avoid all that drama and worries.


As soon as I arrived to school on Monday I started looking for Jess to congratulate her for her birthday, and I also have to look for Jordan later to let him know I won't need a ride today.

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