• Chapter 22 •

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Song of the chapter: Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe & FINNEAS

Play when you see the ** (not the ones right below this)


Weeks went by, all the same as the first, and this routine left me frail. I'd lost a considerable amount of weight, my ribs showing through my skin now. I knew we had to be close since Elijah had come down here four times to feed me, and the journey to Fjerda lasted five to six weeks, depending on the weather.

There had been a couple more storms that had flooded my room, the water colder and colder each time. I forgot what it felt like to be warm, the chills that ran through my body now permanent. My dreams, when I finally was able to find sleep, were my only peace in this floating wooden hell.

The first time, I dreamt of Mal and the meadow we would run to as children. We both looked how we do now, and it was refreshing to see his face again. We were sitting in the sunlight in the dream, talking about what my life was like now.

I tried turning my face towards the light in the sky, but I felt no warmth. Mal had told me I was stronger than whatever they would do to me.

He told me I would make it through this and that he would see me on the other side. I told him I didn't believe there was an "other side" for me, only more pain and suffering. I couldn't see myself getting through this, but Mal convinced me to try. So trying is what I would do. I was going to help myself as much as I could.

That meant being nice to Elijah. The second time he had come down to feed me, I'd put on my best smile and thanked him multiple times.

Because of that, he didn't eat any of my bread or drink any of my water. Forcing myself to be nice was an easy price to pay for a whole piece of bread and a full glass of water.

Eating and drinking had gotten harder since the first time. My lips were now chapped, causing a burning sensation to course through them when the bread or water touched the damaged skin.

Three weeks in, when I thought I couldn't handle it anymore, when my raw wrists and the wound in my gut ached, I had my second dream.

This time, I was in my room at the Little Palace with General Kirigan. We were having a dinner like the one he'd brought to me the night Elijah had been spying on us.

I had taken a bite of the most delicious-looking chicken only to find that I couldn't taste it. Kirigan had looked at me with pity and taken me into a hug.

I know if I had been able to feel anything, his arms wrapped around me would've given me immense comfort. However, in my dream, I couldn't feel his touch.

I had never felt so alone before, and there was no escaping the dread that hung on my shoulders. I heard the door at the top of the stairs open, and I automatically forced myself to perk up.

I had to put on the facade I'd adapted in order to give myself a fighting chance. This was all a game to Elijah, and I was playing to win. His feet carried him down the creaky wooden stairs, and I saw he was carrying a larger piece of bread than usual.

Fresh saliva coated the inside of my mouth, and the sound of my stomach growling filled the room.

"Well, someone's hungry," Elijah chuckled, and I pushed away the sarcastic comment that came to mind.

"Yeah," I managed a small laugh that sounded genuine enough to my ears. He came towards me and put the bread to my lips, and I quickly began biting off pieces to eat. After a few bites, I stopped and looked at Elijah, "So, when will we be arriving in Fjerda? I assume it'll be soon because it's been about four weeks since the ship set sail."

Purest Corruption - The Darkling [General Kirigan]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang