• Chapter 30 •

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Song of the chapter: Astronomical by SVRCINA

Play when you see the **

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"I don't have to tell you anything," I said, playfully raising my eyebrows.

Genya gasped and put a hand over her heart, "Well, I don't have to make you look absolutely stunning for tonight!"

We both fell into a fit of laughter, and I rolled my eyes once we'd stopped, waving her over to my vanity and sitting down in my chair. She hurried over, setting her kit down on the wood before opening it.

"There's not much to tell. We just kissed after..." I trailed off, a blush creeping up my cheeks.

"After what?" Genya was hanging onto my every word, and I couldn't not tell her the most significant part of what had just transpired.

"After he may have implied that he loved me?" Her eyes couldn't have gotten any bigger, or they would have popped out of her head.

"He WHAT?" She shouted the last part, causing me to shove my hand over her mouth.

"Sh! Inside voice Genya!" I slowly removed my hand after she nodded.

"How did he imply that?" She whisper yelled, and I laughed while shaking my head.

Then, I reiterated everything that had happened once he stepped foot in my room. Every comment she made had me laughing harder than the last, and I was glad to have a friend like her.

"I knew something was different with him. It started once you got here, too, so I should have figured it out." She said once I'd finished.

Another round of blushing ensued, which made her laugh, "Keep blushing like that, and I won't have to put any on your cheeks myself."

The whole time she worked, her magic was filled with laughs and a lot of catching up. Once she finished, she pointed to the mirror, "Well, look at my best work."

I turned my head to see my reflection, and I gasped once I did. I looked beyond beautiful. I touch my face to make sure it's really my own reflection staring back at me, and sure enough, it is.

"Genya, I..."

"Yes, I know, you're very grateful, and you love me more than anyone else, including Kirigan. Normally, I would love to hear all of that, but right now, we're on a bit of a time crunch since we got carried away with all the talking." She said, ushering me out of my seat and over to the privacy screen.

I stepped behind the cream-colored screen with a roll of my eyes. I stripped off Kirigan's undershirt, which thankfully Genya hadn't noticed, and throw it over the top so that it hangs there.

Genya puts her hand around the side, and I see she's giving me a black kefta with gold detailing. I reach out to take it but hesitate before I have the chance to touch the fabric.

"Ana, please take it. It's kind of heavy," the strain in her voice snaps me out of whatever trance I was just in.

"I thought only the general wore a black kefta?" I took the kefta and admired the mix of gold and black, thinking that it was very fitting, especially after what had happened earlier.

"He had that made for you and asked me to have you wear it tonight. And after what you told me, I now see why." I heard her giggle at the end of her sentence, and even though I wanted to make a snarky comment, I was too focused on what I was supposed to wear.

I took Kirigan's undershirt down, now realizing I would need it, and put it back on. Then, I slipped my arms into the kefta, relishing in the way it made me feel. Then, after buttoning it up, I stepped out to show Genya.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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