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Wilbur POV

Have you ever heard the stories of old? Gods who ruled their own nations, but never got involved. This is the story of one of them, but unlike the ones you've heard, this ones true. A God ruled over his nation, named after him, but he only showed himself when had to, or just wanted to, but that was rare. He watched as chaos and war spread like the plague  on his once peaceful land, and he watched as time ran out. People died, and were reincarnated just like it had always been, but six were different, six were special. This is the story of how I royally f*cked that up.


Today was a special day. About 4 months ago, the old owners of the house, niki and fundy's had moved out. They hadn't changed a bit, reincarnation never changed who they were. This I was grateful for.
We were sitting around the kitchen and living room, waiting for our new 'guests' to arrive. All was quiet and calm, that is until we heard Tommy screaming.

"Tubbo! Look what you did you spilled it!" Tommy, loud, obnoxious, chaotic, lovable Tommy it possible to kill a ghost. Obviously I love him, being his brother and all, but man, did he sure get on my nerves sometimes, that little gremlin child with his gremlin friends.

"It's not my fault! Ranboo bumped into me!" Tubbo yelled back at him. Tubbo, Tommy's best friend, clingy, lovable but just as chaotic, not to mention bee obsessed, Tubbo. May seem sweet at first, but this dogs bite is much worse than it's bark.

"That's it, we're not watching the office tonight." Ranboo said, Crossing his hands. Ranboo, sweet, forgetful, chaotic, Tommy's other best friend, and Tubbo's platonic husband, Ranboo. Boy, when those three are together, there is no amount of trouble they can't get into. Been this way forever, our past life, our ghost one too. I guess some things never change.

"Tommy! Tubbo! Ranboo! Clean this mess up, the new owners are coming today, remember? So no more getting things out during the daytime." Philza said. Philza, adoptive father to Me, Tommy, and Techno, but practically Tubbo and Ranboo as well. Responsible enough to keep us from dying....again, but chaotic enough to have fun with. Oh, fun fact: He killed me and made me a ghost the first time I died. That's right, I may not have reincarnated in a new life, but I sure as hell was brought back to one....but that's a story for another day.

"So does that mean no more ringing the channel membership bell anymore? I would sure hate to stop making my millions of dollars ya know?" Techno said in the same monotone voice I think he's had since he was a child. Techno, not much to say, he's a potato farming, bell ringing, money loving, protective, murderous anarchist. Oh and he also hears voices, though he calls them chat. Apparently they demand blood. (blood for the blood god)

"No Techno. That Stupid bell keeps us all up at night. We've discussed this." I said, in my same sarcastic voice that I use the majority of the day. Me, I guess you want to know who I am, and how I fit into the discovery of the things of old, well I'm a pretty basic guy. Tragic life, died, brought back to my tragic life, died for real this time, watched reincarnations of my loved ones live their new lives. I'm Wilbur Soot, I play the guitar sing, but that's not what's important about this story. That starts many many decades, and centuries ago, but the place I think you'll find most interesting is here. The day the new owners moved in.

"Phil! They first ones pulling up!" Tommy yelled walking in the room, followed by Tubbo and Ranboo. I heard keys turning in the key whole, and foot steps coming to the kitchen and living room, I looked at those familiar Emerald green eyes I hadn't seen in years. He stopped in his tracks, and looked around.

"Who the f*ck are you...?"

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