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Apolonia was probably giving me a bigger workout that night than I had ever had before. I don't know if she thought these few days would seriously make a difference in my training. Okay, maybe a little more than a few. Maybe that's why I thought the whole workout was kind of more painful. I don't know. Although I was present in the Ballet Room with my body, my thoughts were elsewhere. They were currently wandering around Rayan. A few words of the boy stirred up a strange emotion in me. I felt something like a prick, only strong. Had I been blind? Could Rayan actually have felt something for me? If that was the case, then I had treated him rather cruelly...to put it mildly. I don't recognize myself. I think I'm starting to get a little crazy from the excess stress of everything going on around me. But on the other hand, I don't understand Rayan's attitude a bit. We hardly ever go anywhere alone, more often than not Randal and Elizabeth accompany us. Although his behavior was often watered down with a hint of ambiguity, you couldn't quite tell what he meant. Or what he meant. It was the weekend, so at least I didn't have to confront him at school. Although that would happen sooner or later. And then what? Things were not looking good, and my life currently looked like I was fighting a war on several fronts. The problem was that I seemed to be losing on all of them.

- Porter. - I heard Apolonia's voice. She probably meant I was doing something wrong.

- I know, wrong. - I replied casually. - I'm trying.

- Not good enough. - She hissed unusually softly for her. - Again, from the beginning.

At this point, the wedding was closer than further away, if it would happen at all. For the past few days, I hadn't heard anyone at the table bring up the subject. The atmosphere wasn't as tense as it had been not too long ago, but something wasn't right. Something hung in the air between Catleyn and Gregory. I wondered how it all would have turned out if the wedding wasn't going to happen. In my opinion, in this whole bizarre situation, it would be the only reasonable solution. Mom didn't know Gregory long at all, of course, with reciprocation. I wonder if I could handle another move. Back to the US. I would leave Rayan, Kevin, Elizabeth, Aurelia and all the rest. The ending of this chapter in my life would be bittersweet.

- It doesn't make sense. You're just wasting my time. - Apolonia said.

- Should I go back to my place? - I replied, knowing that Apolonia no longer had the strength to banter with me.

- No. - She replied firmly. - We will practice your greeting with the prince.

Yes, Prince. More than meeting him, I was stressing about the upcoming opportunity to meet Andy. In fact, William wasn't any better at all. He's a very vain boy, extremely confident and probably arrogant. Andy was the same with one difference - he hated me. I assume he values beating me in this competition more than winning it. For the rest, I was currently feeling the same way as him. Humiliating a boy in his own backyard would be one of the nicer revenges I would get.

- How should you greet him? - Apolonia raised an eyebrow, sitting at the piano with a cup of already lukewarm tea.

- Your Majesty. - I replied wearily.

- Your Royal Highness if you're so insistent on a shorter title. - Apolonia corrected me sharply. I could see that the old woman was already impatient, but she continued nonetheless. - What should you do if the prince shakes hands with you?

- Take a bow? - I asked, making a silly face.

- No! You have to nod your head.

- Well, yes, I forgot. - I said while sitting down on the floor. I positioned myself with my back to the mirror because I was still looking at myself strangely.

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