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"I have a feeling this is all going to turn out to be one big stinking shit." - Those were the words Rayan used to comment on everything I wrote him a message about the wedding ceremony, which was to take place in just over a few hours. The boy was very right about that, I thought so too. However, it was impossible to be selfish. I couldn't let my private dilemmas interfere with my mother's wedding in any way. I preferred not to even make her aware of the huge bomb Kevin had planted. In fact, I contributed to the weaponization of that bomb myself. Leaving aside the Andy issue, there was still Aurelia and Luna. I didn't want to worry about it anymore, but I couldn't stop thinking about it all. I was painstakingly managing to avoid everyone today. I got up as early as possible to eat breakfast in peace and solitude, drink tea and go back to my room. However, my elaborate plan did not work out because since dawn Bobby and his hired helpers were finalizing the dishes they had prepared for the wedding. So as not to disturb anyone, I just made myself some apricot jam sandwiches and with a mug of warm tea I went back to my room. In fact, I wasn't sure if anyone needed my help with anything. I couldn't know because I had already completely disassociated myself from the question of this whole celebration much earlier. I had no idea what the menu would be, whether any "games" had been arranged for the guests, and so on. All I knew was that I was to dress in my blue floral suit, which had been lying on my bed for some time. The closer it got to that judgmental hour, the more I stared at the floral patterns of my suit with great trepidation. The whole ceremony was to be beautiful, so I should look beautiful at it too. With about two or three hours left until the ceremony started, I finally had to get dressed. I knew that the first guests who had come from far away for the ceremony were already at home. It would be quite inappropriate for the son of the bride to dismiss all the company. Thinking about it, I felt a tightness in my throat because I knew that the responsibility of greeting the guests also fell on Kevin and as we all know, his presence equaled the presence of a white wolf by his side. Rayan suggested to me that if things were really bad that I let him know and we would figure something out together. But what could we come up with? Nothing right now. In fact, I don't know if I would have prepared anything if I had more time. Is it even possible to have a plan for something like this?

The minutes passed at an inexorable pace so I arranged my light cream hair into my characteristic disarray and began to put on the ornate suit. The last time I wore it a lot of unpleasant things happened. On the other hand, it was good that I was so cautious and uncertain about this party. That something bad would happen was more than certain, so maybe I wouldn't be so surprised by it either, whatever it might be.

I walked out of my room rather slowly and cautiously, while looking around to the sides. I heard the sounds of loud conversation of several people coming from downstairs. They were interspersed with laughter and some anecdotes from real life. Probably one of the household members had already entertained guests. I made one step towards the staircase and then immediately turned back. I thought that maybe it was a good moment to check what was going on with Aurelia. If the teenager does not want to talk to me, at the most she will throw me out of the door with a shout. Tough luck, I'll take my chances.

I knocked on the door of her room, but heard no answer. I decided to wait a few more moments and then knocked again, with the same result. I opened the door and cautiously put my head inside her room. What I saw did not particularly surprise me. Aurelia was asleep in bed, she hadn't even changed since yesterday. Her fur near her eyes was all dirty from mascara and her eyelids were swollen, probably from crying. I also noticed two bottles of wine lying next to her, both empty. I went into her room and closed the door quietly. I tried to silently make my way to her bed and sit down next to her. This was accomplished without too many complications, as the teenager was probably still drunk. I sat next to her like that for a while, staring at her face. Even in her sleep she seemed to be in sorrow and grief. I wasn't even that interested in what Arthur had said to her. There was just one thought running through my head all the time about this situation and that was "What the fuck have I done".

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