Chapter 2: Classroom

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As i went inside my Literature class. The first person i saw was one of the most likely person i want to see,except for my boyfriend.

It was Mary. My seatmate and at the same time. My best friend.

She's a pure Filipino by the way. But she kicks of her accent like a natural American. She's way better than those blondies.

She's 16 , she's petite and tan. But damn . those body?! . She is a  member of the dance club of our school but she hangs out with me. Like? Why would you hang out with a commoner like me?

"Haha.. Oo uuwi ako!!"

I actually know what she said because she always thought me Tagalog words.

That one she had said means "I'll come home"

Hmm maybe she's talking with her family in the Philippines. She glance at my direction,that's the time she notice me,she said something on her phone which i didn't heard. Then she called me with her loud voice.

"Rain!!! Omigosh, I've missed you sissy" she came hysterical to me,like she saw her favorite celeb.

She hugged me tight,and chant words so fast that i can't even understand because I'm struggling with my life from her oh so near to death hug.

"Ma...ry... Can't.... Breath" luckily for me i successfully said those words to save my life.

When she realized what have she done,she immediately broke the hug and apologize her act awhile ago.

We're busy chatting on our tables when an ugly bitch came in the picture.

"Well, here comes the witch" Mary whispered in my ear. As the witch reach our table,she stop walking and i found her high cut Nike shoes facing me. That made me look up to her because i was sitting.

"Well,well, well who do we have in here" a fake smile was plastered on her fake face due to her nose lift and bleaching sessions. Ugh. She's a picture of a fake beauty.

I was about to say something like "oh hey, Aly so how's summer? " . What? I'm just a commoner and banging Aly's way is way too much. I don't want the rest of my life being bullied by her and her sidekicks.

"Hi, Aly.. And it was not nice seeing you" Mary told Aly with her famous eye smile and chin up look.

Aly gasped in surprise of what Mary could say to her. I silently chuckled avoiding that Aly might see me making fun of her embarrassment.

A few seconds Aly recovered. She smirked at Mary and looked at her from head to toe, like she was examining Mary. Mary just shrugged of what was going on with Aly.

"Oh come on,I'm your bessy,remember?" Aly smiled like she won a fight that what she had been dying to win.

A trace of irritation in Mary's face showed up. And i knew that she didn't like what Aly had said.

Aly and Mary were the best of friends that i know. I just came to the picture when Aly was on her worst day of her life which Aly planned to do.

They were the hot duos of the dance club and i was just a loner that sits inside the library. Aly was the brat,but Mary was the angel like. They were like black and white,or Yin and Yang. Eventhough Aly was a brat Mary never failed to be the best friend of a bitch. But something happened that made Mary to leave and never talk to Aly anymore. That's why right now, Aly started to piss off Mary. For Mary it was a way that Aly irritates her but for me, Aly misses her friend and in order to make Mary notice her,she pisses her off.

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