Updated!!! Chapter 5: Wrecked...

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Hey folks am sorry for the inconvenience of chapter 5 because  something was wrong with my connection so i forgot to save the chapter 5.

**huhu... Chapter 5 was a long update tough, so please bare with me and enjoy this one.


Xoxo fiftyshadesofleehara


Mary was shouting my name but i didn't looked back. I just want to be alone and cry . I found my way to my bike and drove away to that place. I was in the middle of the intersection and i forgot to looked at my speed. The cold air brushes all over my face as it also wipes my tears off. I even accelerated my speed and without further notice i was in 180kph . Damn, I'll be caught with this.

As i final recall what happened back there ,i can't fight the urge to sob while driving. My vision was blurry and i couldn't see the road clearly. And when i hardly turned to the last block.

Everything went black.


I opened my eyes and absorb the morning daylight om my windowpane. I streched my arms ang leg as i bring myself up in bed. Hmm. It's a great day to jog.

I went to my bathroom and do my stuff ,it cost me only thirty minutes to get my leggings ,Nike Jersey shirt and running shoes to put on.

I hastily grabbed my iPhone and plugged in my ears the headphones. As i walked out my room,a door snapped opened.

"Ow. Goin for a jog, Rain?" His British accent is very masculine and enthusiasm. I looked at him from head to toe,scanning his figure that is only covered with his Calvin Klein boxers. Gees,if his only another guy I'll be drooling at him.

"Yup, first time to see you this early,


He smirked and a flash of pearl qhite teeth appeared, ohh please he's a model anyway.

"Im coming with you" before i could protest he walked inside his room.

I just shrugged at his decision. Knowing Cleo. He's such a lazy guy ang he's the guy i know that can stay in bed for twelve hours?! Without leaving the hallway time,?!

I went down stairs and notice that Uncle Fred and Mom were already in the kitchen. And i could even smell the aroma of bacon and waffles.

I gazed at my Mom,happily doing her thing at the stove while talking at her back to Uncle Fred. Who is Mom's husband. Uncle Fred was also tlaking at Mom while he's busy drinking at his coffee.

"Oh,sweetie, i didn't noticed you out there" my mom said as she saw me at the far end of the kitchen.

"Good morning, mom. Mornin Uncle Fred" Uncle Fred nod full of gladness at his face. Uncle Fred reminds me of Dad. I missed him already. When was the last time i saw him? Oh it was way back last year.

I heard heavy footsteps coming down and i knew that it's Cleo.He appeared wearing his casual white shirt and jpants.

"Mornin Dad, Mornin Mom" Cleo gestured both to his parents and nod at me,gesturing that we should go.

"Mom, Cleo and I will be running. We'll return before breakfast is ready" we didn't wait to their response because we know that they'll let us. We were passing the  intersection of the sidewalk when Cleo held my arm.

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