Chapter 3: Alone

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I went home and it was different because, I'm not with Pau.

Just as i stepped inside the house,i remembered if Pau will be a member of the dance club, he'll never be with me when i go home. Why? Because of practices and events that usually the dance club get busy of. Like Mary she's always busy and i can't hang out with her everytime.

Ugh. What was I'm thinking that time? Why did i let him to go to that club. Now Rain you're left alone again.

I sighed as i walked to my room. I placed my bag on my study table and looked at the full length mirror attached on my oak cabinet. I see myself as what i always describe myself. I'm just a commoner. I'm jist plain and lame.

My reminiscing of the past vanished in my head when the door bell ring outside.

I left my room and walk down stairs thinking who might be my guess.

"Good evening, Rain"

It was Tita Martha holding a bowl and base on what it smells. I know what it could be.


"So was school, ne?" Tita Martha asked me as i placed the steamed rice on the table.

Tita Martha is a Filipina by the way. And she's the reason why i can't get rid of my filipino genes because they always influence me. But being Asian is not bad. Right now, we're eating Chicken Adobo. It's like chicken cooked in soy sauce and vinegar. This is one of my favorite that Tita Martha usually bring in my house. And no Filipino food can be eaten without the presence of newly cooked rice.

"Well, it was nice though. Some stuff occurred" i said as i eat a mouthful of rice and adobo.

We talked more about school and stuff and she even shared that she's excited to go to the Philippines. Base on how she tells me about the Philippines it gets me intrigue and persuades me to travel my Dad's  hometown.

"Ne, I'll be going, you sure you're okay being alone? I could stop here for the night?"

Tita Martha is really concerned about me. Well, for a 17 year old left alone for several months? That ain't bad??

BTW Tita Martha always calls me "ne" it's a Filipino term for "young girls". Well I'm not that young.

"Am okay, Tita Martha. But thank you for coming by" i said with my most pleasing tone i could have.

She sighed and bid her goodbye as she passed the door leaving me all alone in this house. So? What will i do now?

My shoulders fall,and i sighed deeply. What will i do right now? I need to think fast before the "thought" of it might pass on my senses. I grumpily opened the fringe and get the chocolate fondant my brother had just gave to me earlier. To my birth--

Wait a sec.


HOLY COW... No one even remembered my birthday. Not Mary. Neither Pau. Not even Me.

Wow. I guess I'm just a nobody. Because what the people see me. It made me see myself like what they're seeing me. As a nobody.

I returned the fondant and rushed in my room. Now,the "thought" appeared inside me. The thought that everyone will leave me. The time when my Mom left me, the time when Dad went to the Philippines. And the time my brother went to college. I don't have anyone to lean on.

I don't have that experience of having late night shows ,watching with my family. Nor celebrate Thanksgiving in our house. Because all i ever experienced is letting them leave me.

And now my boyfriend is going to that stage.

I burst out crying myself in the middle of the dark. I hate this. I hate being alone. How can i ever get used to this.


"Hey, babe! You'll not believe this. I got the call backs!! I'm going for the eliminations!!"

Pau was in glee and he can't stop talking about his call backs. That's what he's been doing since i stepped my feet inside the cafeteria.

I just keep on nodding and avoiding to say any word because my voice is hoarse and i can't spill any word clearly. My eyes were puffed also due to the night long crying and bursting myself like a drama queen.

"Hey? Are you okay? Why aren't you speaking?"


He noticed it. Damn. Am not good in hiding.

"U-uhm a-am okay ,babe"

Yeah. Right. Now you're stammering ,Rain. Geez you're the worst pretender of all times.

"Hey,babe. I know you're not okay. Come on, you can tell me anything"

I looked at Pau like he said something hilarious. But he's face was pleading like "come on,you can tell what you feel to this guy''

"Well,yesterday i was cryin------


A zap of air came running to my face when some jerk throw a paper bag in front of me. What the?! Can't they just formally put the bag and not throwing it to someone's face?!

"Dude. Wear that for the homecoming. You're a member now" a guy wearing black gingham shirt and those 6 pocketed shorts came and suddebly talking to Pau.

Like hello? He's talking to me?

But he just continued nagging with Pau. That's it. I'm done in here. Without Pau knowing . I stand up and

picked up my things. This is what i was afraid of. I'm afraid that Pau might left me.

I was walking down the hallway when i heard a noise. Well, it was not really a noise but it was someone whispering.

As i walked right at the staircase the whispers gets louder and louder until sooner enough i could hear it.

"Yeah, i checked at his background and Bingo. I got him"

What ? Who's she talking to? Wait a minute . I know that voice.

"Yeah. I know sooner or later that cutie will be turned on  on me. "

Okay. I know her. It's Aly. I know it's bad eavesdropping on someone's conversation but, something pulls me and says hear out what they're talking about.

"Yeah,i know. You know it might be great if that Mc Conner woukd hang out with me. Like you know,extra credits for him. He'll be known in school.''

Mc Conner?? PAU MAC CONNER?!

"MY" PAU MC CONNER?! This bitch. Is he trying to seduce my boyfriend?!

I didn't realized that i was clenching my fist and I'm ready to rip the hell out of her.

"Haha. That pure girl. She'll be worthless when Pau will abandon her. Haha. That serves her right. She steal my friend? I'll snatch her boyfriend. Hahaha."

Right now I want to strangle her and pull her blondie hair out of her scalp. But what happens right now? Tears are forming on my eyes and i can't help it. She's right. Im worthless. If Pau leaves me. I'm nothing.

"Okay. I better get going" i heard footsteps and i bet she's coming up. I was startled and I'm panicking right now.

As i lift my feet on the last step. Bad luck was on the way. I slipped out of my feet and i ended up lying on the floor. Luckily there are no presence of someone else,that made me to stand up immediately and run for my life.

Ouch. It hurts. Not the clumsy incident but the thought of what Aly said.

Im just a nobody.

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