Chimera Zombies

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"So you mean that the Illuminati brainwashed all of these gather at Inari Dream Town and never leave?! For what purpose?!" Mavis asked.

"You're right. But I, too, do not know their goal. But I can tell you one thing... This land is nothing more than a pretty front. Deep down, it is rotten and infested with maggots." Mike told us. We started running towards the building.

"Come on, guys! You're slowing down!" Rin and I said, we were already ahead. "Don't compare us to the spawns of Satan!" I heard Ryuji yelling in the distance. We went and hid in the forest near the building.

There were guards guarding the entrance. "Those are the Illuminati's uniforms." I noticed. "There's no mistake about it." Yukio whispered. "There are guards everywhere. What should we do?" Rin asked. 

"It seems like an entrance. Besides this, the only way in is the heliport at the top of the building." Mike told us.

Just then, the puppet acted strangely. "Izumo is in danger! I was called... I can't help you anymore. Hurry!" Mike said, before leaving. Izumo was in a situation where she had to fight. We had to get there and help her out. 

"Everyone, I'm confident that the support will come. Let's break through the main entrance. Is everyone ready?" Yukio asked. 'I'm always ready!' Kuro said.

"I believe that I will be able to handle them." Mavis said. "You can?!" We all asked. "Yes. I know exactly how they'll react." Mavis said, getting out of the bushes, revealing herself to the guards. 

"Hey, you! What are you doing?! Do you have proof of residence at Dream Town?" One of the guards asked. "This is not a place for students to idle around! Go back home!" The other guard said. Rin, Yukio, Ryuji, Kuro and I walked out of the bushes, standing behind her. 

"I'll give you three seconds to let us pass." Mavis warned.

"What is a little girl like you going to do? Plead with us?" One of the guards teased. "You really shouldn't mess with her..." I said. I knew exactly what she was going to do, but the others had not seen her magic. 

"I've studied summoning for seven years straight" Mavis said, raising her two hands, and started glowing. Everyone, besides me were shocked.

"Come forth, sacred guardian beast from the heavens!" Mavis said. Above her, materialised a giant, very realistic wolf. "Tenrou!" Mavis called it. The wolf was larger than Kuro, and it glared at the frightened soldiers. 

I believe Ryuji and Rin yelped. Shiemi was amazed, and Yukio and Konekomaru had no words. The guards were completely afraid, holding each other. From her normal smile, Mavis completely changed her expression. 

"Let us pass, or else things will not end well." Mavis said in a serious tone. "Let us pass." Mavis warned again.

" Mavis warned again

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