Training and the Race.

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The UA Sports Festival was in two weeks. Todoroki was being cold to everyone, especially me.

I could tell he was in pain, even though he was still training. 

I was doing training to control my blue flames to not hurt anyone.

I bought three candles from the store and tried to focus on lighting the two candles on the outer edge simultaneously, and not the ones in the middle, like Shura told Rin and I. 

I still missed them... I wanted to go back to them.

Days had passed and my training was going nowhere! I felt bad for the candles. I had to light only the rope part of the candles placed on the outer edge, not melt and murder them.

I saw how the others were going with their training. It made me jealous. They were improving, while I just sat there, not controlling my flames.

'Shit!' I mentally screamed, releasing blue fire everywhere, unfortunately engulfing a woman and a man with my demonic blue flames.

Their clothes were completely burnt off, except for their underwear. 

They screamed and ran away. At least their skin didn't get burnt, which was a minor success.

Soon, the day came where everyone would watch on TV. The Sports Festival had begun.

We were going to participate in our uniforms. Before we all went to the arena, Todoroki made a declaration of war to Midoriya.

We found this surprising, especially me. I never knew he had that kind of side to him.

"Well then, if we are giving declarations of war to each other, then so will I!" I said, walking closer to Todoroki.

"I just want you to know that I'm going to beat you during the tournament." I said, in a serious tone, still not smiling, and walked away, leaving Todoroki speechless.

"Fine." Todoroki said. Soon we went to the arena. There were many people watching us both here and on TV.

The R rated hero, Midnight then came up on stage, preparing to give the introductory speech. "Uh, someone should talk to Ms. Midnight about what she's wearing." I said as I sweat dropped.

"Yeah. That costume should come with a warning." Denki said. "Is that really appropriate apparel for a high school game?" Tokoyami asked.

Mineta was obviously excited to see Midnight with that hero costume on.

Midnight announced Bakugo to come give the student pledge. I sighed nervously. Why did I get the feeling that he was going to say something bad?

He walked up to the stage. Midoriya and I gulped. "I just wanna say...I'm gonna win." Bakugo said, on the mic.

"I knew he'd say something like that!" We all said.

 Everyone started booing at our class. I was so angry, I didn't have another thing to say. 

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