shrine of your lies

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The Sunday after came around a lot quicker than I had hoped. Then again, lately, it had felt like time had been going a lot faster than usual for me.

I knew I had Lisa to blame. Or thank really. I only saw her a few times a week, but it's crazy how my life had shifted because of her and how much happier I was, not that I was depressed before, but she had undoubtedly brought a little something extra into my life.

I couldn't deny I was dreading Sunday though, and more specifically, meeting Lisa's friend. I wasn't sure why, Lisa had assured me she was nice, but I had always been apprehensive about meeting new people. It was probably because there had been so few, and the fact that it was someone outside the convent, and even outside the Church, amplified my uneasiness. I couldn't help but feel like there were some unspoken expectations I had to live up to.

If Lisa's friend didn't like me, would Lisa stop hanging with me?

I knew it was a stupid thought that was fuelled by nothing more than anxiety, in my heart I knew Lisa wouldn't do that, she's not that kind of person.

We hadn't known each other long at all, but I really enjoyed spending time with her. She made me feel a kind of warmth that I couldn't explain. I think it's admiration? I'm not sure, I know that I liked it though; it makes me feel all warm and fluttery inside.

On Tuesday, she had taken me bowling and to an arcade. I had lost of course, but losing had never felt so good because seeing Lisa's full grin, coupled with her (embarrassing) victory dance, had felt more like winning.

Then on Thursday, she took me to see a movie, a cringey comedy with a lot of pop culture references I didn't quite get. Though Lisa did lean over to whisper an explanation in my ear until she gave up and said we would spend another day where she would teach me everything I needed to know.

If it were anyone else, that would sound awful.

Right now, I was waiting for Lisa to come to pick me up. She had told me we were going to the mall. She said it would be more casual and therefore there would be less pressure since we'd mostly be walking around.

I knew Lisa knew of my wariness of meeting strangers, and I knew she was doing whatever she could to make me feel more comfortable, and I was eternally grateful for that.

When she finally did make it to the convent, her smile was as bright as it usually is; I was getting better at meeting her eyes and returning it rather than looking down.

"Hi! Are you ready to go?"

I nodded, "I'm ready."

"Great then, let's go," she reached her hand out and I took it, it made me feel infinitely better.

"We're getting the bus. Mina's going to meet us there," she says as we walk up the street to the bus stop.

I nodded, not thinking that she couldn't see me.

"Are you okay?" She asks, turning to look at me.

"Yes, just nervous."

"It'll be fine, I promise." Her thumb stroked the back of my hand and I believed her.


Lisa had been right, it was fine. Mina was nice, a little eccentric, which would have been overwhelming for me if Lisa wasn't there, but she was nice, nonetheless. Although, now that I thought of it, Lisa was definitely eccentric, even more so than Mina, but it was a quality about her that I enjoyed.

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