Unraveling the Past

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Morning dawned slowly for April and Remus, who both had little to no sleep. Ones thoughts were captivated by a certain Wolf, and the other by the young beauty who was taking residency at his home.

Remus slowly lifted his locks of mousy brown curls, which were definitely more prominent on a morning, to the smell of strong chamomile and bacon. Much to his delight.

Slowly slipping on his slightly worn out brown slippers that matched his pyjamas well, alongside his usual - slightly frayed cardigan, he then made his way downstairs, abruptly stopping in his tracks once he saw the reason.

April stood swaying her hips casually, sweetly humming to the radio she found stashed amongst the other piles of parchment and books.

"Good Morning" stated the smug man who positioned himself against the kitchen door, arms folded, watching her with a slight tilt to his head as she quickly spun round.

"G-god Remus! S-sorry I didn't realise you were awake. I thought I'd start on breakfast if that's alright?" Stuttered the flustered woman.

"Of course, please help yourself to anything in the house. Might as well get comfortable seeing as you're going to be staying the rest of the Summer" Remus answered fondly as his lips turned up at the corners of his mouth at the sight before him.

He subconsciously scanned April's appearance, taking a few more extra seconds when he noticed her soft, pale legs which were becoming slightly more bronzed with the summer sun. She was dressed in an oversized black 'Queen' t-shirt which caused Remus to chuckle slightly as he remembered the many sleepless nights he spent with his friends, blasting Queen's greatest hits which later followed the arrival of his Head of House, Professor Mcgonagall.

"Mercury?" He stated


"Your top" Remus pointed to "A big fan?"

"Ha, you have no idea, an absolute legend" April announced rather excitedly. Her friends at Hogwarts didn't understand her slight obsession and her Father was obviously not one to listen to music.

"I spent many nights with my friends listening to him, as well as drinking our body weight in Firewhiskey" April noticed how his eyes suddenly glazed over as he stared of mindlessly into the distance. Obviously reminiscing over his younger youth days.

Wanting to diffuse his discomfort, clearly seeing his longing gaze, April spoke "that would make two of us"

Remus chuckled raising a brow as his lips slowly turned into a mischievous smirk.

"Now, now Miss Snape I'd hate to take house points off you. I highly think you should not be telling me about your devious rule breaking" stated the Professor, trying to sound as stern as possible.

"S-shit, o-oh erm I-I totally forgot about that"

Suddenly the smug looking wizard burst out into spurts of laughter, clearly not being able to keep his facade up after seeing the witch's face turn pale.

"Wow, seriously? You're such an arse" April jokingly said after realising he wasn't going to bait her out. "In my defence, it wouldn't be the first time I've been caught. Minnie always finds a way to catch us out"

"Ha! Minnie? Haven't heard that nickname in a while, one of my closet friends used to call her that. She always knew when her House were up to mischief"
"W-wait why did Mcgonagall catch you? Surely it would be your Father, seeing he would be your Head of House?"

"Good to hear there's still prejudice views on the housing at Hogwarts" Stated the raven haired Gryffindor, as she watched the shocked expression morph into a hearty, low laugh that instantly made her beam.

"Ok, let me get this straight... The daughter of THE Severus Snape... the man who lives and breathes Slytherin... was sorted into Gryffindor?"

"Yep that's normally the reaction I get off everyone" spoke April.

She never liked the fact that she was automatically assumed she would be in Slytherin. She always strived to become her own person which was admirable to others.
She was very much unlike her Father - the dark, brooding Professor.

The young, talented witch was known for her charming looks, popular and bubbly personality, as well as being one of the best chasers Hogwarts had ever seen. Additionally, her teasing behaviour, alongside the red haired Weasley twins, had caused some playful altercations between the professors and students. Most of which admired the trios lively spirits - Minerva and Albus often seen similar characteristics of the three which reminded them of the previous troublemakers. The Marauders.

"It caused quite a commotion in my first year. Everyone couldn't believe it. However, my Dad had his suspicions and was still as supportive"

"Some how Severus Snape and the word supportive don't sound as they go together..." Remus thought, thinking back to his experiences with his previous classmate.

"Trust me, he's actually a big softie. It's quite funny really. How exactly do you know my Father?"

The wolf suddenly faltered, not knowing how to address the certain situation of his childhood "Erm well, we went to Hogwarts together, we were in the same year. Has he never mentioned mine or my friends' names?"
Remus asked slowly, not really wanting to hear the awful things she must think about him.

"No, I don't really know much about his past, other than the basics of course and the obvious"

"T-the obvious?" He asked anxiously

"Yeah, well that he was in love with his childhood friend and that he then made a few mistakes. All of those decisions now have consequences I suppose" Referring to her Father's dark past.

"Does he know that you are staying with me?" Remus raising a brow as he asked.

"No, Dumbledore made me sworn not to tell him for some reason. I'm guessing you two aren't friends?"

"Erm n-no no, definitely not"
Fuck, Remus thought

For some reason... He was not looking forward to seeing Snape after all these years. ESPECIALLY not now!

Author's Note:

Chapter 2 is now out! Hope you are enjoying it so far :)

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