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It was now the following morning. April hadn't slept one bit, which was very much prominent by the dark purple bags under her eyes - that were extenuated by her pale skin.

She had spent the entire night outside besides the Lake, comforted by Remus, who held her close to him. He had maintained a firm, protective grip whilst he slowly caressed the small of her back. They had spent the whole time completely soaking up each other's touch.

A few times Remus would ask her how she felt which she simply responded to with 'I'm fine'. He knew she obviously wasn't - she had just found out some devastating news. But the most he could do was reassure her and be there for her.

Which he did just that.

They had left the Lake just past 6am and since then April had laid in bed in her dorm, wide eyed, just staring at the plain white walls that were decorated in red furniture and accessories.

It was now seven o'clock. She carefully made her way out of bed, quietly not to wake the others. It was the weekend, after all and Liv would simply hex her if she was to wake her from her slumber.

She hastily made her way to the bathroom, getting a quick shower in before dressing in some comfy, muggle attire. Her body was drained as her eyes were bloodshot with the amount of crying and little sleep she endured.

Silently forcing herself out of the Common Room and strolling down the empty corridors, she had finally made her way to the Dungeons.

April swallowed harshly, trying to remove the lump that had settled in her throat as her mouth suddenly became dry. She brought her fist up to the door and knocked once on Snape's Office - something she did all of the time. He always knew who was behind the door from that singular knock.

"Come in Darling" she heard faintly from behind the thick, wooden door as she sheepishly set foot into the warmly lit room.

She had always loved his office and personal quarters. Although, there were partially empty and weren't very sentimental - apart from a few photographs of April when she was younger - they were comforting and inviting to her. The fireplace emitted a soft warm glow to the atmosphere which contrasted well with the cool, black, leather furniture.

She sauntered her way over to the arm chair that was in parallel to his own - a desk being the only thing to separate them.

"Hi" she whispered as he gave her a comforting smile.

Severus had been panicking all night. He had also not slept at all, too busy contemplating at how she would simply react. He felt awful... horrendous, in fact. He was supposed to be the person who would be there for her through anything. Be the person she could talk to about her problems. And he simply had lied to her. He kept the biggest part of her life away from her. Something that he would regret every day...

"Hello" he answered back with a small painful smile.

"So... I spoke to Dumbledore. He explained everything" she announced as she folded her legs under her bottom to get more comfortable.

"And how do you feel about that?" He asked in a gentle tone, almost pleading her with his eyes to not blame him.

She shrugged "I-I think it'll take time to adjust. It was a lot to take in all of a sudden"

"That is understandable, sweetheart" he started in a sorrow tone. "Look I'm s-so so sorry-"

"I want you to know I don't blame you" April immediately cut him off, not wanting him to start blaming himself for something he couldn't control.

"After eighteen years, I found out that I was conceived by a man I didn't know. But he's not my Father. You are... you always will be, MY Dad. YOU were the one to raise me when you're life was so broken and damaged. YOU were the one to take on those huge responsibilities when I needed that person. YOU have always been my person, throughout everything. And I couldn't ever blame or hate you for what you have hidden. I'm not angry or upset, I'm confused and lost. But that's alright, because I will get through it. YOU will help me get through it, like you always have in every situation" she exclaimed, both of them at this point had obvious tears streaming down their faces.

Intertwined - R.J LupinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz