Midnight Kiss

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Most students who had left for their Christmas break had arrived back at Hogwarts just in time for the New Year.

Each year, each house would throw their own party. The common room would be filled with dozens of drunk teenagers, loud music, the nostalgic smell of Firewhiskey and all those couples entering the new year together.

This time of the year was always madly celebrated. April would spend it hustled with the rest of the Gryffindors, including the twins and Olivia. They would all drink their body weight in alcohol which was somehow always easy to do...

The weather outside was chilling as a thick layer of white snow shielded the floor.
April always loved this time of the year. Yes, she adored the summer sun but there was something so inviting and warming about winter. Many were spent, herself and her father, at home at Spinners End, where they would bury themselves on the sofa, book in hand whilst they sipped hot coffee in front of the fireplace.

This year however, was going to be totally different. She was entering a new chapter of her life which was totally unpredictable. She still didn't know what her future would be like after graduating but soon it would become a reality.

April also didn't know what was going to happen with herself and Remus' relationship, once she had left. This thought always seemed to put her on edge - She didn't know how she was feeling about going into the New Year.

She had this strange feeling that it may be difficult...

"Are you excited for tonight?" April asked her blonde best friend as they were heading in the direction of their dormitory, after coming from the Great Hall, where dinner had just ended.

"Erm, getting absolutely shit faced and being able to enter the new year with a hot ginger by my side? I think that's my idea of a perfect night" chuckled Liv as her friend immediately joined her.

"Yeah, at least one of us would be able to be with their boyfriend when the clock strikes twelve" mumbled April as her friend gave her a weary look.

"Erm - rumour has it... Wood is actually going to try it on with you tonight" the blonde witch stated whilst scrunching her brows together.

"Wonderful" the brunette scoffed

"I guess we'll just have to make a runner" Liv laughed which was interrupted by a Scottish voice.

"Are you two girls enjoying yourselves?" which immediately caused the two girls to spin on their heel and face their Head of House.

"Minnie" the girls stated in unison which caused them to burst out into a fit of giggles whilst Professor Mcgonagall just rolled her eyes.

"I suppose you two will be getting ready for the party soon?" she commented with a smug expression which instantly caused the two witch's mouths to shut.

"Mhm, don't think I don't know what goes on. It's my House after all" Mcgonagall said as she walked off into the hallway.

"What the fuck just happened?!" Liv whispered in shock.

"I have no idea" April slowly shot back.

"Come on we need to get ready"

The two girls had spent an entire hour searching threw their trunks, trying to find the perfect dress after finishing off their hair and makeup.

"Black or the blue?"

"Fucking hell! How on earth have I never seen that black dress before" exclaimed Olivia.

"The black it is then" she chuckled at her friend's reaction. "I bought it just before Christmas when I went out shopping for everyone's gifts" April said.

Intertwined - R.J LupinWhere stories live. Discover now