A Slight Slip Up

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The next day had dawned quickly and classes had resumed. The hallways were crowded with bustling students and the atmosphere was blissful.

The first week of school was always April's favourite time. It was the period where herself and the twins pulled off the most extravagant pranks. Every year they got more extreme - the first of last years was particularly one of her most preferred. The trio had managed to mix a hair-changing potion into Snape's morning pumpkin juice. This caused the Dungeon Bat to experience a few days with bright, fluorescent pink locks until he was able to find a counteracting potion... Let's just say the small group were scrubbing cauldrons for an entire month, wandlessly.

It was currently lunchtime which allowed the pair of seventh year students to be able to mingle with the red headed sixth year pair.

"What have we got next?" April asked to the blonde who was currently tucking into a large piece of apple crumble.

"Defence" simply mumbled Liv, whilst trying her best not to show her friends too much of her dessert.

"Speaking of defence-" started George "-when are we going to initiate your dream boy" finished Fred who had a pointed look towards April.

"My what boy?" She asked

"Oh you know... We see the way you gaze at him" Fred said

"Yep. Definitely on your snog radar" George spoke

"First of all, I don't gaze at him. Yes he's an attractive man but he's also our professor" April simply stated feeling slightly downhearted at the realisation "And with regards to an initiation, I'll let yous two come up with the chosen prank"

Remus was sat at the teachers table in light conversation with the other professors when his ears instantly picked up on the conversation in front of his eyes. One plus side to Lycanthropy was the heightened hearing.

She thinks I'm attractive. He thought, clearing his throat slightly when the realisation hit him. It simply couldn't happen.

"Everything alright, Lupin?" Hissed the looming Professor sat on his right after noticing who his eyes were focussed on.

"Quite alright, thank you Severus" politely answered the Wolf. "Your daughter is in my next and final class of the day"

"Is she really" slowly stated Snape, clearly obvious of her timetable.

"Indeed. I better get sorted for it, good day" And with that Remus left.

Although it wasn't a secret around the school that Snape had a daughter. He thought it was rather suspicious how Lupin knew already, bearing in mind April hadn't attended any of his lessons yet.

Making their way into the DADA classroom, the blonde and the brunette took their usual seats, second row on the right. The classroom had changed since the previous years. Shelves were stacked with more textbooks as pictures of magical creatures were placed around the room.

The layout of the classroom had also changed. The tables and chairs were neatly in four rows which ultimately made more space for practical lessons.

The professor's desk had also changed, it was larger than the others and was accompanied by a large, comfortable-looking, wooden seat. Pieces of spare parchment were scattered along the top with various assignments that had been collected off the students. Also, numerous cups of half drunken tea were resting on the desk alongside chocolate wrappers. The gesture immediately brought a smile to April's face, remembering how often they used to drink tea and talk about the littlest things.

"Good afternoon seventh years! My name is Professor Lupin and I will be your new teacher for Defence" he said

"Now, as I know your previous professors have been... well-"

Intertwined - R.J LupinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz