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The Wolf and the Brunette sat for hours, completely taking in one another.

Remus had designated himself on his office chair, whilst April had taken her designated seat - his lap.

They had positioned themselves after their kiss, which then followed onto more...
Her legs were dangled in between his thighs as her right arm hooked round the top of his shoulders as she snuggled her way into his neck, taking in his scent. He smelt like rich tea fumes with a slight sweetness of cocoa - clearly off the amount of chocolate he had stashed in his robes.

The witch was softy running her fingers through his soft, mousy hair, as he delicately traced up and down her smooth legs that were showing from the skirt she wore.

They comfortably sat embracing each other, giggling and reminiscing on Remus' old school days.

Their eyes never left one another's. Their orbs sparkling every time they connected. They were both happy. Blissful even.

It was perfect.

April would talk so passionately about her friends and how she often spent her holidays with the Weasleys and the Golden Trio. Remus noticed how her slight left dimple, the one he always used to hunt for, would visibly show up when she spoke about her loved ones. She reminded him of Sirius. So loving and caring, nothing like her Father but she definitely inherited his appearance. Her medium length, dark hair which was currently sprawled out elegantly on his shoulders.

"I'm presuming your Father told you about his childhood experiences?" Asked Remus ever so hesitantly, scared he'd ruin the moment completely.

"He did. What yous did was obviously wrong and I hope you regret-"

"Trust me, I regret it. We were idiotic school boys who found someone to pick on. James and Sirius always encouraged it - James was jealous in a way. Only wanted Lily for himself. I guess that turned out well for him" said Remus

"Exactly. Yous were a school boys clearly immature. I know what children can be like - I used to get teased quite a bit in first year. Everyone couldn't believe Severus Snape was my Father. And for that they'd tease me for it" April stated kindly with a soft smile, still running her fingertips through his locks.

"I am so sorry. If I could take it all back now-"

"I know you would. You're too kind, Remus Lupin" giggled April.

After a few moments of comfortable silence her face began to drop slightly. "Can I ask you something?" She gently spoke

"Of course Darling, anything" he stated as he leaned to place a delicate kiss on her cheek

"When did it happen? I mean, when did you become a werewolf?" She hesitantly asked, knowing it was a sore subject

However, Remus didn't mind her asking. In fact for some reason he wanted her to know everything about him. His past, his fears, his biggest achievements - the same as he wanted to discover everything about her.

"I was four-"

"FOUR?!" She asked as she turned to face him with a concerned look.

"Yes sweetheart. My Father got on the wrong side of a notorious werewolf - Fenrir Greyback. In result, he turned me, as a punishment to my Father. After that, he didn't look or treat me the same" he said with a sad smile.

Intertwined - R.J LupinWhere stories live. Discover now