Christmas Traditions

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"So Pup, what are your plans for the holidays?" The scruffy man asked once taking a large sip from the bottle of Firewhiskey which April had brought with her.

It would be her last visit before she left for Christmas, so she decided to start off the festivities in the right way.

Much to Sirius' delight.

He had completely downed nearly half of the bottle once his eyes first locked onto the golden liquid.

The pair were sitting on the dusty, four poster bed that was positioned in the middle of the room. Sirius had his head on the head board whilst his feet were kicked up onto the girl's lap who sat at the bottom, back resting on one of the posts.

April had visited him nearly every day or at any opportunity she could get. She often brought him food which she had kept in a napkin from dinner, or from sneaking into the kitchens.

"I'm actually staying with the Wealseys. I often go there over Christmas, and it gives Dad a break from the students-" she slightly slurred but abruptly stopped herself as she realised what she had just confessed.

"You're Father's a teacher?" Sirius confusedly asked, scrunching his face slightly as to why she had never told him this.

"Wh-what? Oh e-erm" she cleared her throat loudly to prepare herself to what she was about to tell him.

"About that..." she drawled out slowly as he gave her a questioning look, as if to say get on with it.

"Oh come on! It's not like the fact I can tell him you're shagging his colleague anyway" Sirius chuckled whilst shaking his head as he took a large swig from the bottle in his hand.

"W-well, you've probably heard of him before" she stuttered shyly whilst he raised his brows in surprise.

"Come on then, tell me" as he took another long sip which immediately shot from his mouth and even from his nose, once hearing the name.

"Severus Snape" she winced slightly whilst watching him cough manically in order to regain his composure.

"FUCK OFF! OLD SNIVELLUS ACTUALLY HAD SEX WITH SOMEONE HA!" Sirius boomed as he fell into loud hysterics.

"OH JESUS CHRIST! WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING" he said whilst pausing after the realisation. "W-wait, you didn't tell him about me did yo-"

"Of course I didn't, you idiot. Do you really think you'd still be here if I did?" She chuckled as he just shrugged and give a wide grin.

"That's true. So who's your Mother?"

"E-erm she died just after I was born" April answered softly as Sirius let out a small 'oh'.

"Snape adopted me not long later. He and my Mum were childhood friends and she trusted him enough to take care of me - Which he has done ever since" she sighed with a shrug whilst giving him a small smile.

"So who's your biological Fath-"

"April?" She faintly heard downstairs in the Shrieking Shack.

"SHIT!" April hissed quietly as Sirius began to panic.

"Are you up there darling?" She heard Remus ask, as his voice was beginning to get closer.

"Yeah two seconds!" She shouted back in panic.

"Oo is that the beloved Professor" he said with a wink. "That voice sounds familiar though..." Sirius whispered as his brows scrunched together trying to work out where he had heard that tone before.

Intertwined - R.J LupinWhere stories live. Discover now