Slow Dancing in the Dark

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It had been a long torturous week for both parties, both not knowing where they stood when it came to formalities and creating boundaries. This longing feeling of attachment was unknown to the pair.

The Witch and Wizard often found themselves catching each other's gazes which instantly caused a red tinge to erupt onto their cheeks.

They often filled their time by taking long strolls across the fields behind Remus' serene cottage or by reading contently in each other's company, which was filled with a peaceful silence.

Remus would sit in his brown, tattered, well-loved armchair; Whilst April preferred the small two-seated sofa as she calmly lay across, head on the arm rest as her feet delicately dangled across the other. Both were always engrossed into their books with a cup of tea and a chocolate bar, which Remus always insisted on. He would state "You can't not have a cup of tea without chocolate" Even though his tea was sweet enough... three sugars and cream to be exact... That man seriously had a sweet tooth!

"What are you reading now?" Interestedly asked Remus, breaking the pleasant silence.

"Austen" stated April, knowing he would understand her reference. The professor had quite the collection, varying from Dark Arts, Magical Creatures and an impressive Muggle collection.

"Let me guess, Pride and Prejudice?" The witch hummed approvingly "One of my favourites"

"It is?" Asked April as her eyes twitched up at his confession

"Don't sound so surprised Miss Snape" Remus chuckled lightly giving her a warm smile "However, I always seemed to dislike Darcy"

"Dislike Darcy! Are you mad? It was he who made Elizabeth known to the honest views of that time" April spoke rather defensively

"By deceiving her views and causing a disruption in her lifestyle?" Remus spoke raising a curious brow.

"Deceiving? He showed how the repercussions of judgement in society make those who appreciate what is real. The actual goodness of life" April voiced rather passionately.

"And what is the 'actual goodness in life' April? Hmm?" Stated the Wolf, both now treading lightly knowing where the conversation could take them.

"Love of course, that's the cause of everything. What we do. How we act. How unexpected visitors in our life can cause so much damage to our heart" the witch spoke, as the pair stared at each other intently, now being a little less than a meter apart as Remus had shuffled his way across from where he was sitting, during the debate.

The confession made the pair falter as they both swallowed hard and cleared their throats, now noticing the obvious closeness.

Remus cleared his throat and backed away slightly, already missing the close proximity. "How about we have a drink? Firewhiskey?"

"Are you encouraging that I drink alcohol... Sir?" April purred and her face formed into a knowing smirk at what that single authoritative name did to him.

Remus shivered slightly, swallowing hard whilst clearing his throat "E-erm o-of course not Miss Snape. Just suggesting we get to know one another more, what better way to do it with a glass of Firewhiskey". To which she instantly agreed to as the night slowly started to unravel.

The duo were a bottle now down, as a couple hours had passed since Remus' request. Both enjoying each other's company, talking mindlessly about their stories from Hogwarts.

"I bet you were such a goody two shoes... Oh please tell me you were a Prefect" April quickly noticed Remus' lips form into a knowing grin and immediately burst out in hysterics "Oh M-merlin I-I knew it!" She stated trying to catch her breath back

"I wasn't a 'goody two shoes' I was just the most sensible one out of my friends. James was actually Head boy in my defence; however, Padfoot never made the cut as Prefect, I don't blame Mcgonagall he probably would have tried to enforce some sort of stupid rule"

"Padfoot? I know that name... My map" April spoke rather in a thought.

"Your map? How do you know about that" Remus stated rather excitedly knowing his and his friends' names had grew to a legacy.

"I took it from Filch's office in my second year. It helped me a lot - always sneaking off finding some sort of trouble, until I passed it down to the Twins" stated the Witch rather proudly.

Remus let out a booming laughter "I knew that map would eventually come in handy to some lucky student"

"Padfoot and Prongs were always encouraging on the parchment to try new pranks and how to easily get away by using secret tunnels that were scattered amongst the castle"

"Dumbledore and Minnie always said I reminded them of Padfoot, whoever, he might be"

Remus sat mesmerised by the young witch before him as she reminisced on her previous endeavours. "Wormtail never used to say much, the odd words a few times"

"Moony, however, always just spoke about how beautiful I was and how he would love to sha-"

Clearing his throat quickly trying to diffuse his glowing cheeks "Ok Ok how about we retire for the night, we've had lots to drink" Remus spoke as April faintly closed her eyes, nodding in approval as they both sat in a comfortable silence listening to the faint song that was currently playing on the radio in the background.

A thought popped into the young Witch's head as she quickly stood and extended her hand "Would you care to dance, Professor?"

"I'm not sure that is entirely appropriate Miss Snape, we've had a few drinks and-"

"Oh come on, it's one dance then I promise you can get your beauty sleep in, old man" April stated smugly, a large smirk placed on her lips as his eyebrows shot up. Quickly he reached for her hand, nipping her side playfully as she began to giggle.

"One dance April" Remus sighed contently
He rested his hand on her hip as their hands intertwined perfectly as instant shocks coursed through their bodies.

Their faces were inches apart as the breathes fanned each others skin, causing instant goosebumps to appear.

The music had come to an end. Both pairs of eyes locked intensely onto each other's. The duo noticing how their partner's eyes glistened in the dark lit room.

Inching their faces closer as their orbs flickered down to each other's lips...

Abruptly Remus pulled away and shook his head slightly to remove any indecent thoughts which could cause oncoming consequences to his newly designated job.

"Time for bed Miss Snape. I will see you in the morning" as Remus quickly floated up the stairs entering and shutting his door with a soft click. He let out a large sigh as he knew he couldn't let these feelings develop any further. Their relationship must stay professional. He thought.

Meanwhile, April stood downstairs in a confused daze, slowly processing the scene that had just unfolded. He's your new professor April. This can't happen. She thought.

Were they seriously about to kiss?...

As much as they both wanted it to happen. They knew it couldn't...

Author's Note:

I very much enjoyed writer this chapter.
Let the fun begin...

Thanks for reading :)

Intertwined - R.J LupinМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя