Suspicious Speculations

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Contently dreaming of Remus, April suddenly awoke, startled from being smacked by a soft hit to the face.

"Ow, what was that for?" She groggily questioned to the blonde who was standing over her with a smug face, preparing to hit the witch again with her pillow.

"Get up loser" she giggled "You missed breakfast and we have Defence in ten minutes" said Liv.

"You know, maybe you wouldn't have been tired if you weren't out all day yesterday. You got in well after curfew as well. Where the hell were you?" The blonde asked suspiciously.

"Oh, you know. Just in my Dad's office, we were just talking about what I want to do after graduating" said April trying her best to sound convincing

"Hmm yeah, alright. Come on get ready"

"Hello, ladies" the two witches heard when walking through the classroom of DADA.

"Piss off Wood" the both said in unison as they burst out into fits of giggles, when taking their seats.

"Oh come on... Hogsmeade is coming up, fancy a butterbear?" Oliver Wood said.

The Gryffindor quidditch captain had been trying to pursue April ever since their first year. Every time, the witch would... politely decline. Not that she didn't find him attractive - he was definitely one of the most handsome wizard in her year. But she clearly just wasn't interested.

She had never had a serious boyfriend. Yes, perhaps a few late night hookups with some Slytherins after parties. But nothing worth experimenting.

"Dream on quidditch boy. I'd simply rather have a Firewhisk-"

"Miss Snape, Mr Wood, please take your seats" Professor Lupin interrupted, trying to slightly steer away their conversation.

"Oh come on Professor, help me out here" replied Oliver as the class had taken their seats and was focussed on the scene unfolding before their eyes.

Everyone knew it wasn't a secret that Wood was interested in trying to woo the brunette. So, this was why their attention had been focussed only on the interaction. No one understood why April never gave him a chance...

"One date? Let me show you-"

"That's ENOUGH!" The Professor announced, quickly stealing the attention from the class who were quite perplexed at his sudden outburst. He was always so laid back and enjoyed cracking jokes with the class. He was always up to date with the recent gossip and couplings of Hogwarts.

"Now. Everyone take out your books a quills, we will be revisiting our work from last lesson on hexes and jinxes..." stated Professor Lupin who looked rather enraged.

"Who pissed in his pumpkin juice this morning?" Questioned Liv who was rather confused about the sudden change of events.

"I'm not too sure" simply mumbled April.

However, she clearly knew what was wrong with him. He was jealous.

"Right, that's all for today class. Good work and enjoy your weekend" Remus said once the bell had rang.

"Why don't you go on, I'll meet you at lunch. I've just got to ask Professor Lupin about the work" April told the blonde who squinted her eyebrows at her sudden request.

"Okay then. See you soon, loser"

Once all the students left, April immediately rose from her seat and walked in the direction of Remus.

"Hey, what was that about?" She gently asked as raised her hand to caress his cheek, not before he slightly backed away. "What's going on Remus?"

"N-nothing" he stated bluntly, clearing his throat. "I've just got a lot to do at the minute. I'll see you on the weekend at Hogsmeade, alright?" And with that he left in direction of his office.

Intertwined - R.J LupinWhere stories live. Discover now