Breaking in The Broken

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The day of Halloween had finally arrived. The castle was filled with decorations and all classes had been cancelled for the day. Much to April's delight... She still needed to finish that DADA essay.

Many students wore muggle fancy dress costumes, as well as some teachers. Professor Sprout wore a large pumpkin dress, Mcgonagall was dressed as a muggle's idea of a Witch - she had a large pointed hat which contrasted with her green robes. And as for Professor Snape... he wore black.

"Wow Dad, I'm loving the outfit" April stated with a giggle as she made her way down the hallway to lunch. "What are you supposed to be? At bat?"

"Ha Ha, very funny" Snape slowly drawled out. "If I see correctly, you're not necessarily in any form of Halloween attire" he shot back.

"Yeah well, I grew out of that phase when I was what? Nine-"

"Ten" he interrupted as the both walked slowly to the Great Hall.

April instantly fell into hysterics, remembering the last time herself and her father both celebrated Halloween. "Ah yep, what was it that you dressed up as that year? A Unicor-"

"Tell anyone about that, and you will find yourself with a months detention" he said with a piercing glare.

"Just a months? That might be worth it" she cheekily said as Snape jokingly rolled his eyes at with a small tug to the corners of his lips.

Snape was always a great Father. He always tried to be the best parent he could be - perhaps because he never had that. They would often go trick or treating around the neighbourhood of Spinners End, both dressed in matching costumes. And every year, April would choose the most feminine attire...

"We had some good times" she said with a fond smile as they entered the Hall.

"That we did, sweetheart. I'll see you later on. Behave" He replied and made his way to the teacher's table.

"No promises" April shouted over her shoulder with a small smirk.

"So what's the plans for today?" One of the twins asked whilst they all took their seats.

"I can't do anything today, sorry. I've got so much work to do, I can't be lacking behind" April said with a small groan as she brought her palms to her face.

"Boring" Liv stated

"I'm sorry that NEWTS are taking up my whole life. You know... you should all try something... I think it's called, studying" the brunette shot back.

"And why would we do that, we've got another year for that?" Fred asked as they all laughed, shaking their heads slightly.

"Have yous thought about what yous are going to do after graduating?" George asked.

"Nope. Not a fucking clue" The blonde said

"You'll find something, don't stress yourself" said April as she reached out to comfort her friend.

"Easy for you to say, you have it all planned out" Liv muttered

"Not necessarily, I still need all O's in my exams. Anything could change. We'll decide when the time comes" she reassured

"Right, I'm heading to the library. I'll see yous later" April said with a small smile as she started to make her way out.

"Bye loser" the three stated in unison.

It had now been a few hours since April had entered the library. It was deserted as all students were enjoying the Halloween celebrations and all the teachers were enjoying their time off. Except one...

Intertwined - R.J LupinWhere stories live. Discover now