Unexplained Avoidance

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Hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks where the two, Witch and Wizard were avoiding each other. Both to their dismay, but they knew better than to act on their feelings.

The only time they would speak was at meal times and even then, their conversations were kept short and compacted.

April and Remus hated it. Their once lively and energetic conversations were now only a few brief words.

Remus couldn't allow his feelings to develop any further, knowing who he was and how unworthy of love he felt. He thought he was a monster after all... She was his student. His beautiful, intelligent student, who's eyes he couldn't remove from his brain. No matter how hard he tried. And most importantly how young she was. He wouldn't allow her to give up her youth for an old, poor man like himself. Not to mention he used to bully her Father... he'd be as good as dead if Snape found out.

However, April had started to become insecure and felt extremely naive to think he would ever spare her a glance. He was absolutely stunning to her. His soft curls which delicately fell against his forehead, his prominent scars which she loved - even though she was unaware of how he had developed them, she wouldn't dare ask though.

Scars were a touchy subject to some. She had noticed this from her Father where she had seen his many silver markings across his back which were formed from his beatings off his drunken Father.

And then there was his eyes... his gorgeous piercing blue orbs. Those very ones that changed colour as soon as light emitted on them. He was everything she wanted.

It was now nearing the end of August. One day before the full moon. That certain time of the month that plagued Remus' mind, body and soul. He hated who he was. And on top of the fact that this certain day pained him so much, he also had to find a way that April would be completely unknown to his condition.

He did what he did best and completely shut off his emotions and himself from the outside world. He skipped meal times and made up an excuse that he was "too busy" right now. He locked himself away in his room, read books and ate alone. When she was asleep or had went on her daily walk he would take the time to find other things to entertain him. Much to his desperation, there was nothing.

April found his behaviour strange but didn't question him. She clearly knew he was trying to avoid her as she just brushed it off, clearly thinking he was avoiding her after that close interaction they shared.

He was still quite on edge about his feelings towards the dark haired witch but reminded himself that he couldn't live with himself if he hurt her.

He also wasn't prepared to tell her about his Lycanthropy. Only the order and his childhood friends knew about his condition due to the shameful prejudice that occurred around the viscous beasts. Remus wasn't prepared to watch her slip away completely from him which he knew would happen if she found out. But he also couldn't afford her to know as she would immediately go and tell the entire school when the term starts. The parents of the students wouldn't want their children being taught by such a monster.

So that's what he did. Avoided her.

The next day, April hesitated before knocking on Remus' bedroom door, which he had barricaded himself into over the previous couple of days. "Remus" she continued once she heard a groan "You haven't ate all day, you need to eat. I've prepared a sandwich for you downstairs, I can bring it up if you like?"

Remus winced at her polite and concerned tone and smiled slightly at the kind gesture which instantly warmed his heart. This only made him feel more guilty about the situation.

However, he knew he had to be stern with her for her not to bother him again. He gingerly opened the door "I am ill, please don't come bothering me again" groaning slightly at the pain in his limbs "I'll be going out tonight as well. You don't have to concern yourself with me" closing the door behind him.

April stood perplexed at his sudden aggression towards her as her heart slightly sank at the realisation. He obviously didn't care for her, as what she did for him.

Remus sank to his feet once the door clicked shut and tightly closed his eyes as he sighed loudly. He knew he would have hurt her feelings but he'd rather keep her safe then come searching for him once the sun had set.

It was now well into the early hours of the morning. April was still wide awake staring empty-headed at the book in front of her, Wuthering Heights, to be exact. However, her eyes had scanned over the same words over and over again for the last hour.
Waiting. Just Waiting.

Remus had gone out before sunset and was still yet to return. Although he had reminded April to not bother him or concern herself over him - she still did.

Suddenly a dishevelled, scratched up tall man came stumbling into the cottage. April quickly rushed to the Wizard, much to his surprise as she immediately helped to support his weakened limbs.

"You said you were ill, what the hell have you been doing" whispered the young Witch as she hesitantly sat him down onto the couch trying not to harm him any further.

"I-I w-wasn't expecting you to be up" winced the older man

"Remus what happened? Let me help you... please?" She pleaded with her eyes that glazed over with an immense amount of concern.

"N-no no no that's quite alright. T-thank you but you need to get some sleep" stuttered the pale wolf as he tried to avoid her obvious questions.

"I won't be able to sleep knowing you're in pain. Where is your medical supplies? Have you got any pain relieving potions?" April asked.

"In the c-cabinet in the b-bathroom" groaned Remus

The young girl abruptly left and entered back into the room with a small medical bag which contained the basic needs.

She started to carefully clean out and wrap his wounds, trying to avoid any pressure onto the swollen areas which clearly caused him discomfort.

"Are you going to tell me what happened then?" April asked gently, her tone soft which was like music to Remus' ears. Her voice was so angelic and soothing.

"I-I just got into a fight that's all" Remus stated

"With what?... a werewolf?" April chuckled lightly. Remus tensed immediately under her hands which were still wrapping bandages around his scratches. She noticed this as his rather pale face dropped slightly, but she just thought it would be as a result to her dressing him.

"There... all done, please stay here and get some rest" as she draped a soft knitted blanket over his body.

He was touched by her act of kindness and generally didn't believe that he deserved it. Not after how he treated her earlier in the afternoon "I am sorry" Remus whispered "about before"

"Don't worry I get that you have to adjust to this new living situation. I think it's been tough for both of us" April stated thinking back to their previous encounter of that drunken night.

"Well goodnight Remus, I'll see you in the morning. Get some rest" April spoke gently, lightly grazing her fingertips over his hand as she left to retire to her bedroom.

"Goodnight April" Remus sighed, missing her loss of contact already.

Author's Note:

Chapter 4 all done :) The story is slowly starting to mend together.

Thank you for reading x

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