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So guys here is the update.....

Am:what is there to get shocked.... It's our tradition that before son's marriage we should marry girl child....


This shout echoed the hall.....

All turned to the source of shout....

Ra: Amma tell me one thing who is Nandu to me...


Ra:just answer what I am asking....

Am:Raman if you have to argue we can go home do it later... Why are arguing with me infront Swayam's in laws....

Ra: I don't care and you have no right to talk about that as it was you who started it... From the beginning we are quite that doesn't mean we will always be silent.... Now answer my questions....

I: Raman....

Ra:no Ishu even Swayam want this and about Malhotra's they are anyway going to be family let them know and the outsiders can go....

Am: Raman even their are your in laws you can't talk to them like that....

Ra: really my in laws whom I don't know... Cut the crap tell me what Nandu is to me...

Am:your daughter don't you know that....

Ra:so I am her father na... Who are you to get her married to a person whom any of our family don't know....

Am:Raman I am her patti I will always think of her good...

Ra: really patti.... When did you care for her from her birth till now.... Why all of sudden you care for her and came to my daughter....

I: Amma Raman is telling right you didn't even talk to me about this....

Ra:now you understood what your mother was planning.... And you Mrs kishori Murthy I am alive for my daughter and I will select the groom for her.... not you....

Am:but atleast consider this alaince for Nandu's marriage should be before Swayam's marriage...

Swa:I can wait patti....

Am: Swayam...

Ra:and yes about your alaince care to explain what the boy does....

Mr Agraval: Mr Thakker... Don't see down to us my son owns a furniture shop....

Ra:ohh really then what is the profit..

Amith:uncle it is around 40,0000....

Swa: annual or monthly??

Amith: annual....

Ra:and let me tell you my daughter earns per 100 lakhs.... And as far I think it's the shop which you inherited from your father and my daughter owns her own company on her capacity without using the Thakker money.....

Swa:and most importantly Amms if not for your guest this Amith or anything his name be.... would have be graved here itself by me or Manik or you can even say Rishu was willing to do that... For the way he was eyeing my sister....

M:it's not late buddy... I am most happy to do that even now......

Ra:and you Mrs Murthy say to consider this alaince.... he is not fit for being my son in law.... He don't even stand among us....

Am:but we cannot see the money na Raman....

M:Mrs Murthy did you forget what we just said about digging his grave here for eyeing at Nandu....

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