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Hy guys here is the update.....

Raj:we are not forcing final decision is upto kids....

And saying this all see at Manan who are froozed at their place

Ga: Aru, Nandu bacha there is no pressure it's fully your decision......


Ab:gudiya we liked you for Manik the day when we first saw you.... We were just waiting to see how will you get along Manik and seeing you two comfortable with eachother we thought to proceed with this so we asked you guys.... It does mean we will take the decision.... Final decision is upto you both as it's you both are who will have to live throughout your life.....

N:I understand dadaji but....

Ra: Nandu I know this is all of a sudden but Manik is a nice guy and he is perfect for you.... I know we didn't think about this before but when the prospect is there and it is Manik for you I don't see any objection as I know him and I think you will be happy....

I:but bacha final decision is yours only.... I know you don't love anyone or else you would have told us before itself....

When Ishita told this something stuck Malhotras

Ny: Manu do you like someone....

Ga:yes sometimes we felt by your talks... Is there anyone else Aru....

Raj:if it is like that you can tell us bacha we won't force you......

Now Manik came out of shock.... And saw that Nandu seeing him and they continuous questioning him....

M:voh I need time.... I want talk to Nandu alone....

I: ofcourse....

And next second he took Nandu with him to his room....

While here down all are tensed now as Manik didn't denied whether he love someone else....

Swa:I thought it's Nandu who Manik love....

Swayam thought he said low but all heard that....


Ga: Swayam beta say it clearly....


(He was seeing here and there not meeting their gaze)

Ra: SWAYAM (Raman called him strenly..)

Swa:I knew Manik loves someone.... I have seen him missing her even when he didn't tell me..... But recently when I saw him with Nandu I thought he love Nandu as he is really close to her and very comfortable around her and even they are from the same college....

(He blutered out...)

Raj:what they know eachother from college....

Sh:yes they only told us when we meet the day before yesterday they were really close for the first meet.... So we asked them.... And seeing their closeness I thought bhai has feeling towards Nandu....

Swa:yes if anyone saw them for the first time they would assume them as couple only....

Ga:then why they went like that....

Da:let it be na Gayatri.... Give them some time and  they might didn't realise their feelings still....

Raj:yes ma...

While down all were in deep thought let's see what Manan are doing....

Manik just took Nandu inside.... And went to lock the door...

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