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"The water shines only by the sun.
And its you
who are my sun."



It's 8:30 in the morning and I am already worn out. All candidates were walking sluts. They are here only to take a look of me or to get in my bed. None of them had a good resume. All were inexperienced despite completing there university five or six years ago.

Finally it's the last candidate. While reading her resume I had already ordered her to take a seat. She has an impressive resume and was an intern. She was both talented and young means more passion and energy.

When I looked at her I instantly dazed into her ocean blue eyes. They were intense. She has angelic beauty. Her auburn hip length hair was tied in a ponytail. Her face screamed natural beauty and she had curves at all correct places. Her posture shows elegance and eyes spoke passionate. After staring for few minutes I cleared my throat to break the trance.

Finally I spoke,"You have a nice resume Miss Wilson. But why would I choose you, an intern as my PA."

"As you mentioned my resume is impressive. I may not have work experience but I am a hard-working lady. As per my resume you may know I have completed my graduation on scholarship so it explains I am not someone to slack off. " Her answer have me confirm her as my new PA.

After her departure I released a sigh not knowing I was holding one. She was first woman to trap me in such trance. She was beautiful. She has me attracted to her in the first meeting. How would working with her result in.

Reminder of my phone broke my thoughts of her making me aware of me visiting my grandpa. I left the office after two hours completing a meeting and some paperwork.


Reaching my grandpa room I saw his nurse giving him his Meds.

"Look who finally decided to pay their old man a visit."my grandpa taunted with a mischievous smile.

"Oh how I  missed a day." I answered sarcastically.

" How have you been doing? I heard you have been preventing your meds. You know it breaks my heart to see you attatched to tubes. I am sorry for my late visit though."I stated my feelings. It is the only place where I can pour my heart without being judged.

"Don't act sarcastic with me neither will your emotional act make me take meds. I've asked you numerous times to find yourself a woman. Finally I have to blackmail you." my grandpa huffed.

I've been tired of hearing this. So I planned to play his card on him."You know you're the only family left to me. Without you I will be all alone. You can't do that to me."

"Exactly my point you need someone to love you, take care of you and look after you." He argued.

"You don't understand grandpa. If my family don't care for me, who else can?"

"There are many kind hearted people. All are not like your bit*h of stepmother and snake stepbrother."

He continued, "We both know I will leave you soon. Doctor has straight stated I have mostly twenty months left."

"Don't say that grandpa."

"It's the truth son. Later or sooner you have to accept it. I know you will be broken. You will need someone by your side."

"Therefore I'll make a deal with you. If by the end of six months from today you didn't find yourself a woman to settle down I willl stop taking meds. Now you decide my health or your stubbornness."

"You are acting childish grandpa. Until today I haven't even be attracted to a woman other than physically and you want me to settle down. It's insane." I huffed.

"What do you mean until today? Have you been attracted to someone today other than physically?" He asked with a smirk.

My ears turned a bit pink making his smirk widen.

"Whatever I accept your deal. But you have to take your meds on time." I agreed before he takes the situation any further.

"Okayyy. But first you will have to make her meet me and get my approval." He stated.

"Done. Take care." I said leaving the room making my stare cold, face emotionless and thinking of someone's angelic features.

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