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Today was a epic. I have crossed boundaries. Only thinking about it makes my face heat up.

I can't imagine I was so close to him. How can I he is my boss for god sake.

But I can't manage to get his image out of my mind. His steel eyes have me frozen. With the intensity he was looking in my eyes was too much. I felt he was reading my soul.

However I wish he will forget about it after weekend. I can't imagine the awkwardness it would bring.

I've managed my attraction for him whole week. I don't intend to loose now.

Today I have met Sebastian Wylde the CEO of Wylde Ltd. He is a very hard working man but I doesn't get good vibes from him.

He is engaged and has invited me to his engagement ceremony tomorrow. I have picked my dress and am excited to attend it since I haven't went to any party other than some in colleges with my friends.

With these thoughts I go to my cottage. At Lucas I get peace. Since there is no work pending at either place, I decide to draw something.

I pick paint brush, colours and a canvas. I get ready to draw. I let my hands move with my thoughts and draw with heart.

After an hour when I notice what I have drawn it's painting of Mr Miller sitting at his office desk.

It emphasises his face. His steel gray eyes, sharp cheekbones and a subtle at his jaw. I just get enough of his thoughts. He doesn't leave my mind.

I decide to move around my cottage to bring my mind some peace.

While moving I reach the attic and see a painting of older women my Glamma. She is sitting on piano stool playing piano. It make me reminisce my past.

She was sitting there playing piano for all the children at foster home.

She was the lady who had treated me like her own granddaughter. She was in her early fifties. She was glamourous and very kind lady.

The foster home was small with only twelve children. She visited us every Sunday and would bring chocolates, play piano for us even read stories to younger children.

She has explained the real meaning of my father's letter to me. I didn't talk to anyone when I was sent to foster home. She brought me back to life. Since then I have been always been humble and polite to others.

She has taught me to always smile.

Even at her funeral we children have smiled wishing her our last goodbye. We have played the song on piano for her.

Those thoughts have made my eyes wet. I didn't let a single tear leave my eyes because it shows I am weak. But I am not. I remember everything losing my dad then my Glamma but I don't shed a tear rather smile a sad smile.

The reminisces doesn't make me weak rather it brings much more determination to fulfill my father's dream. With the strong thoughts I leave for my apartment.

Please continue reading.

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