Chapter 4- The Assignment

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For the past two days, the three have been practicing, but sololy. Cozy was drawing a banner for a team meeting.

'We need a team meeting' Cozy thought to herself. She went to get Tirek. "Hey Tirek!" Cozy shouted, causing Tirek to lose his contention. A few seconds later, he threw his weight across the room.

"What is it now-?" Tirek said in anger. Cozy replied with, "Since we've been doing stuff solo lately. It's time we do a team meeting. After all, Gorgar did leave me in charge-" "No he didn't!" Tirek interrupted.

Cozy thought to herself for a moment. "I did have a plan and your part is big- but I guess you don't want to come to my team meeting to hear your big ro-" "Ok! I'll go to your team meeting." Tirek said in defeat. "See you later" Cozy said before she left Tirek alone.

Cozy went to the other side of the classroom to find Chrysalis talking to a log. A purple one to be exact. A shade of purple that looks kind of like Mean Twilight's coat color. "That old goat better come up with a plan sooner or later. It's not healthy to hold in all of this rage I've been keeping in myself!" Chrysalis said to her log.

"And how are you this fine day?" Cozy said as it seems like Chrysalis was finished with her 'conversation' with her log. "How do you think I'm doing!? I want to excel my revenge!" Chrysalis shouted as Cozy jumped. "See what I mean" was all Chrysalis said after.

Cozy told Chrysalis that they needed a team meeting, but it looked like Chrysalis didn't want anything with teaming until Cozy had a final idea. "There'll be cupcakes-" Cozy said with a smirk on her face. Chrysalis accepted the offer, realizing Cozy now knows her weakness.

*Later at the team meeting*

"Gorgar wants us to work together! So that means we have to trust each other" Cozy stated. Chrysalis levitates a cupcake with bright lime green frosting and bites it. "If we were to trust one another, I would inform Lord Tirek to stop trying to absorb my essence!" Chrysalis said as Tirek spits out the editable-? lava on a light pink frosted cupcake. "I wasn't trying to anything of that sort- how dare you!" Tirek said. "How dare I?! Do you know whom you're speaking to?" Chrysalis said as she levitates the cupcake Tirek just had and took a bite. "How could I not? Talking to your log every five minutes" Tirek replied.

Cozy takes a deep breath and spoke. "This is why Gorgar left me in charge!" "No he didn't!" The centaur and changeling shouted. 'If they don't want to do it, I'll make them work together with me!' Cozy thought to herself. It took Cozy a while, a long while actually, but she convinced them to work together.

Right after they agreed to work together, Gorgar walked in and the three went up to him. "I finally convinced somepony else to work with you three. Even though he has less experience than you three, I will be sending him with you guys. Get in here now Sombra!" Gorgar said. Sombra walked in the classroom and stood with the three.

"What's our assignment?" Cozy wondered out loud. "Your assignment to receive my bewitching bell." Gorgar said.

Author's thing
I finally updated this story- I will most likely update my other stories and possibly start a new one that revolves around the Mane 6- and yea, that's all I have to say

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