Chapter 15- The New Plans

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Chrysalis's Point Of View

We went over to the school and passed by Cozy's old place, because it was a shortcut to the school according to Trixie. We heard a whistle blow at us- which made us jump. "Hey, I will like all of you to ether walk on the street or the other side, we're investigating a crime here!" A officer said. "We'll just walk on the other side" Cozy said as the five of us went to the other side.

"They're now just starting to investigate that?" I asked once we were a bit farther away. "They've been investigating it the day after it happened? You four haven't heard?" Trixie said. We made it and we saw Mane-ic and The Storm King hanging out. "What are you five doing here this early? It's fifteen minutes before school actually starts." Mane-ic asked.

"Training purposes" The five of us said. We went to the classroom and there was five boxes with each of our names on it. The boxes contained different things for everyone. "I got books- considering we already two we're sharing" I heard Trixie say. "You think that's weird- I got parts of my old throne!" I said. "I got a dummy" Tirek and Sombra said at the same time. "Yall really got better things than me, I got a coloring book and crayons!" Cozy shouted.

We couldn't help but laugh. "What's that got to do with anything?!" Trixie asked. "Everything." We heard Gorgar say. We all stopped laughing and looked at him. "The battle is nearly two days away. So I made you guys these boxes to help you guys come up with a new plan." Grogar explained. Cozy opened up the coloring book and threw it across the room.

We all glanced at Cozy. "Whatever you do, do not look in that book, it is cursed!" Cozy said as she whimpered. "I put that spell on the book so it can help you with the plan. You have three hours to come up with a new plan." Grogar said as he left the room.

End Of Chrysalis's Point of View

"Ok, I think I have a plan base!" Cozy said. "What is it?" Trixie asked. "So pretend one of the dummies is Fluttershy and the other is Sombra." Cozy started. She got the coloring book and moved a dummy to a desk. She got a crayon and made both the dummy and the crayon fly. "So the crayon is us blasting magic at Fluttershy as she's flying to avoid it." Cozy explained. She puts the book down like it was a fake wall and it reveals the other dummy. "In the actual battle, Mane-ic can pinch in and make Sombra reveal himself when the opponent is too close, but in this case, Sombra is right there, ready for Fluttershy." Cozy finished off.

They were impressed with Cozy's starter plan, especially Trixie, mainly because she's still new compared to the others. "We also need to take the bell home with us." Tirek said. "Why?" Chrysalis asked as she put it in her bag. "One, so we can test it and two, Janitor's cleaning and fixing this classroom up for next year." Tirek responded.

A few hours later

They were at home and they were in the living room. "I'm going to test this bell on everyone. It claims to make us more powerful than we are right now." Tirek explained. He put the spell on himself first, which it made him on to his fifth form. "Too obvious" Cozy said. Tirek takes it back which returns him to his third form.

He then tested it on Cozy, which she turns into a alicorn. "I love this alternative form, but again, too obvious" Cozy said as Tirek took it back. He tested it on Chrysalis. "Hm, I actually don't know.." Cozy said. "You can keep the form, we just have to come up with a story." Tirek concluded. Tirek than tested it on Sombra. "You don't really look different, just the mist coming out, that's probably it with looks." Cozy pointed out. "Keep-" Tirek and Sombra said. Tirek than tested it on Trixie, all that really changed was that she now had a suit with a bowtie and a top hat. "I would say keep, besides, Sombra and Trixie's magical abilities are more powerful." Cozy finalized.

"I lucky have spare capes and hats so nobody will suspect a thing." Trixie said as she went to get a spare hat and cape. They decided to call it a night and headed to bed.

Oh yes, one more chapter before the battle after this one. I have been drawing one scene from each Chapter so I can try to get a idea of what's going on. Uh- that's all I have to say- for now-

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