Chapter 19- Mane Six Is No More

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Warning: This chapter will contain mention blood, death, exposed organs, and gore. If you're uncomfortable with any of the following, I would recommend skipping this chapter.

Trixie's Point of View

"What did that voice say to you guys?" Cozy asked. "We don't know what gender it is, but it introduced itself as, 'Comfy Flicker' and it came up with our final plan." I responded. "What's the final plan?" Cozy asked. "Chrysalis, you and I take out Rarity, and this next part is the reason we dislike it, you want to hear it?" I asked. Cozy nodded in concern. "It told Sombra and Pinkamina to kill Fluttershy!" I shouted.

Cozy looked at me. "Really?" She asked. I nodded. Cozy stopped. "Comfy Flicker?" She said. They had a conversation until she told it that she'll help find a spare body if it helps Chrysalis and I. I guess it agreed because Comfy flew to me three seconds flat. "If you're going to tell that loser Cozy about me, one, prefer me to Flicker, and please describe me as a male- not a it!" Flicker said to me in anger.

We heard screaming from the audience before I can say something to Flicker. We saw Sombra, but he wasn't the same Sombra we knew. It was like he managed to hijack himself to go corrupted. There was blood all over him. Rarity was trying to get to her friend but because of the plan, she had to deal with Chrysalis.

Sombra had managed to make a dark crystal wall around him. No matter how we tried to get in, we couldn't. I guess Flicker enjoyed this because he was laughing, well, not outloud. "If I had my own body, I would be laughing. But thanks to 'Professor Sparkle-' I can't. And I don't want them to think that Cozy was a sick being." Flicker complained.

We were going for our final opponent when we heard a snap. We all looked at the black Crystal wall to see it still there. Some people heard nothing, but the rest, including us, the fighters, heard something getting eaten. I decided to blast at the wall. Flicker and Chrysalis blasted at the wall too. It took us one powerful beam to break the wall.

'I wish Tirek was here, he's missing out on a lot.' Chrysalis said. We saw Sombra, but he was eating one of Fluttershy's kidneys. Mane-ic came and took him away. We were surprised that he didn't try to attack her. He just wanted that dam corpse.

Flicker's Point of View

That Sombra did a really good job entertaining me. I was full of energy and was ready to take out my final ex professor, Rarity. I had the help of Chrysalis and we took out Rarity. The audience looked at the four of them. None of them said nothing and then the students of the School Of Villains started cheering. "W- We won!" Chrysalis said in excitement.

They brought Sombra out who was normal. "We did it- we actually won!" Sombra said. They gave us six mini trophies and ribbons. I carried the centaur's ribbon and trophy and the students at the other school looked at us in shock. I went back in Cozy's head and she lived her life. "We won. You probably didn't want to know what happened to uh, the umbrum guy?" I said to Cozy. "Sombra-" Cozy responded. "Yea, him." I said.

Well- that's basically the end of the battle. There's going to be a chapter after this one, then the aftermath part, and than it's done. Thank you so much for keeping me motivated to finish this book. Let me know if I should read this and post it on YouTube. But yea, that's all for now. (Also Tirek is not dead- but the Mane Six are)

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