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Hi Friends! It's been a long time since I uploaded a new chapter in this story! 

SO Previously, everything happened in 14 days, not seven months; it has been more than half-year since the story started. Thanks to all my readers and follower, it has been a crazy year. 

Back to the story, so Ceren and Nedim hated each other so much from the star as Ceren's judgmental thought about him, which was not real, and Nedim because of her ill and bad behavior with him.

Then they got stuck together in the same place for two weeks in the winter house where Ceren wanted to write her book and Nadim to run away from the world, but their thoughts, opinions, and feelings toward each other changed with time, as they started to know each other more.

However, our Ceren broke Nedim's heart for many reasons when Nedim fell in love with her very fast.

My two characters are not the usual or stereotype, as most Characters you find in most stories. I wanted them to be different from the beginning, and I wrote them with mixed energies.

Ceren has more masculine energy, easy to get angry, impulsive, hot-headed, and uses her hand more. She could separate sex from love and her feelings, more practical than an emotional person, and she could be shown sometimes as a lonely wolf.

 Still, she is the center of her family, her family relies on her with everything, and she doesn't mind it (no one thing she is abused or anything). She does it by herself because she loves her family; her family comes before anything.

It is difficult for Ceren to say or declare her feelings; she feels it's a weakness, and it's been just two weeks, so she can't believe she has feelings for him.

When Nedim has more feminine energy (a man having feminine energy doesn't make him less of a man, or he will act or walk in a feminine way, or he would be weak) even he is a womanizer, he still carries his heart on his sleeve, and fall in love and get his heartbreaking most of the time, and still try again. 

Nedim is more charming and cool-headed, sweet and sensitive; this is why everyone likes him more than Ceren. Nedim could show and have no problem acting and on his feelings. This is why he didn't hold himself showing his emotions to Ceren.

 And he believes in his love for her.

In the beginning, Nedim was shown as a bad boy or playboy from Ceren's perspective, but he is not. He is a womanizer; not every womanizer has to be a heartbreaker; he could be charming and lovable and know how to connect with women.

Ceren is more of the bad girl, the heartbreaker. I liked to mix their energies, as we all have mixed, feminine & masculine energy in us, but the rate differs from one person to another, and I wanted to show it in the story. 

They are like a yin yang.

I have borrowed this Idea from the Hunger Games, from Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. She was tough, and he was softer.

This was a small explanation to understand them as we come to an end. Enjoy!

THE NEW CHAPTER WOULD UPLOAD THIS Saturday or Sunday, so stay tuned; we have new character appearances  😈 🤣🤣😎😎



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