Chapter 17-Part 3

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"Nene, you're stunning," Jeren exclaimed, standing behind her as the old woman fixed herself in front of a large mirror in the hallway of the Karachay mansion.

"Wait! Let me have a look first," the old woman said back, scrutinizing her reflection in the mirror with a frown. "Why did we choose this unattractive color? Why didn't we opt for pink like the Karachays?"

"Because it was Jemre's choice," Jeren chimed in, also examining her reflection. She fluffed her short blonde haircut, feeling cute with her new style.

Her organza baby blue dress with white polka dots wasn't too bad, especially since Damla had chosen the same outfit style for the two of them at Jemre's request, only hers was in pink to avoid competing with each other.

"Your sister has no taste at all!" the old woman mumbled.

"It was Damla's choice too," Jeren muttered in response.

"Like she has any brain or taste! She couldn't even capture your brother's heart and left him for that Italian girl!" the old woman retorted, shaking her head in disapproval.

Glancing at her grandma with half an eye, Jeren added, "And you wanted that girl to be your daughter-in-law?"

After pondering for a moment, she concluded, "No, I don't think so. She's too spoiled."

"I thought so. Grandma, let's go inside. Mom and Dad are already waiting!" Jeren urged.

"Okay, okay, let me fix my lipstick," the old woman replied. After applying it, she asked, "How do I look?"

"You look like Marilyn Monroe," Jeren teased.

"Shut up, girl," the old woman responded, laughing along with her granddaughter.

"You look good, grandma," Jeren said with a smile, leaning in to kiss her grandmother's head. She couldn't help but admire how lovely she looked in the baby blue dress.

Smiling back at her, the grandmother replied, "That's why you're my favorite granddaughter," returning the kiss affectionately. "Let's go," she said, and they walked together towards the back door leading to the Karachay garden, where the baby shower party was taking place.

 "Let's go," she said, and they walked together towards the back door leading to the Karachay garden, where the baby shower party was taking place

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As they entered, astonishment was evident on their faces. The scene before them was nothing short of stunning. It was clear that Damla had done a great job.

The garden was transformed into a whimsical paradise, adorned with delicate pink and blue decorations. Twinkling fairy lights hung from the trees, casting a soft glow over the festivities. Tables were draped in pastel tablecloths, with centrepieces of pink and blue flowers nestled in a Crystal vase.

An Arch of Balloons in shades of pink blue & white Decorate the path to the centre of the garden and more balloons located in every corner floated gently in the breeze, adding a playful touch to the scene.

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