016 | this seemed too far.

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!this seemed too far.

I HAD NEVER FELT LIKE THIS BEFORE. that night, i sat happily in my room, replaying over and over everything that had happened between renjun and me. it was a new feeling, this one. the butterflies i began to feel as i imagined it over, i couldn't remember the last time i had felt so happy.


well, i guess that happiness wasn't going to last for long.

my door burst open, the same scary figure standing in the doorway as normal, scowling over me.

"Where did you go when I returned back early from my business trip this weekend?!" the voice yelled.

"i- i said i went for a walk," i choked on my words. "i wasn't feeling we-"

"Do not lie to me y/n! I'll ask you one more time. Where did you go?" somehow, his words continued to grow louder as he spoke. my heart dropped. did he know i snuck out with renjun? how could he? i knew i took a long time to get home again, but he didn't question it once i got back inside. i stayed silent, my breath shaking as i sat as still as i could in my seat. "Tell me why I saw you climb over the back fence with that boy! I told you never to speak to him!"

with those words, my stomach felt as though it could just about lurch out of my body. my heart had dropped so far, my body felt numb.

"i...i-" i stuttered out, trying to process his words. "what do you mean you saw me?"

he pointed upwards to the roof outside my window, where i saw a long white box hanging from the ceiling with a dark circular lens attached to its edge.

"Since you obviously can't be trusted, i installed cameras over the summer to keep a watch on you," he spoke, almost proudly. i felt my hurt turn into fury.

"you installed cameras without telling me? to watch me?!" i burst out in horror. he had done so much to me over the years, but this? this seemed too far.

"Do not raise your voice at me! I am your elder, I deserve respect from you!"

"respect? you're going to tell me about respect?! you treat me like i am nothing but dirt, and i put up with it!" i lashed out, unable to hold any of it in anymore. he began to walk closer to me, but it didn't stop me. "and now, you get cameras to spy on me while you're gone? you're so-"

my words were cut off by the sharp pain of his hand against my cheek. my head jolted sideways with the whiplash of his hit across my face, my vision quickly becoming dizzy as my mind fought to process what had just happened.

he really did it this time. he really hit me, hard. really hard.

i felt my eyes become flooded with tears but was too shocked to let any fall down my cheeks. he stayed standing over me, staring down at my helpless body. after a what felt like an eternity, he walked out without saying a word, slamming the door loudly behind him.

i slowly lifted my hand to my cheek, feeling it throbbing like crazy. the only thing i could hear over the ringing of my ears was my breath, panting as if i had just ran some kind of marathon. hoping to find comfort, i slowly turned my head to look out the window. i found renjun standing at his window like always. he stood with his jaw dropped open, his face sharing my panic and horror. i took a shaky breath, feeling a new rush of fire burn through my chest.

somewhere only we know | huang renjunWhere stories live. Discover now