010 | she looked dangerous.

79 5 0

!she looked dangerous.

I KNEW I WAS BOUND TO FAIL. i stared down at the paper in front of me, trying to grasp at any loose ends of biology content that might have stuck in my brain since class, but was finding myself at a loss.

Q5, bii. Describe the sequence of events that occurs in the secondary lymphoid tissue that results in the production of antibodies.

secondary lymph- what even was that? i had to admit, it was my own fault i didn't have any clue about the content. while my teacher was up the front going on about... lymphoid tissue, i guess, i was sat in the very back corner trying to win at least one round of noughts and crosses with renjun. it was fine for him, he's smart. but me? i needed those lessons a lot more than he did. if anyone was going to pay attention in that class, it probably should've been me. but hey, cut me some slack – it's not my fault bio is so boring.

it was already getting late, but i told myself i'd at least do one last question before finishing up; i owed myself that much. but nevertheless, i knew i wouldn't be capable of it on my own. and so, i stood up to walk towards my window in hopes of finding a bored renjun to help me out. i poked my head through the window sill, but as i did, i felt my heart just about stop beating. i felt my jaw drop open at the sight; sure enough, i had found a renjun, but it wasn't at all the situation i had expected to see.

he was stood with his back to the window. he had his arms up and his head was moving, making it look like he were yelling. next, i noticed his mother standing across from him, who appeared to be yelling back. she stood with a stooped posture and looked like she was finding it hard to stay balanced. as she yelled, i watched her swing her arms about, holding in her hand what looked like a bottle. my eyes became round as i stared at them arguing in front of me.

it was the first time i had seen renjun's mom since the first day they moved in next door. he never spoke about her and i had never really noticed that until now, but i was starting to think there was a reason why she had never been brought up.

i stood at my window in shock, unable to pull my eyes away. deep down i knew it was wrong of me to be watching – i'm sure this was something renjun wouldn't want me to see – but i was worried for him. she looked dangerous. like she wanted to hurt him. i watched as she began to move closer to renjun while she stumbled across his floor. next thing i knew, she lifted her arm up and swung a fist past his head before falling onto the mattress beside her. luckily, renjun ducked just in time, and caught her arm before she was able to hit him.

still holding tightly onto her wrist, he walked forward and seemed to bend down to her level. i furrowed my eyebrows, trying to figure out what he'd do next. he pulled her arm around his neck, standing her up from the bed. was he helping her? after she had nearly taken him out?

i watched as he walked her limp body out the door, staggering her steps as if she was nearly unconscious. renjun turned around to reach for the handle behind him to shut the door, and i quickly ducked below my window so he wouldn't see me watching. i sat on the floor and leant against my wall below the window sill, praying i wasn't too slow.

what did i just watch?

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