015 | friends don't do that.

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!friends don't do that.

               "YOU'VE GOT THIS!" renjun cheered me on with a ruffle of my hair as i pushed my way through the doors of the biology lab, ready to resit my test.

"hi, miss," i greeted. "is it still okay to sit the test again now?" i asked, trying to be polite.

"of course, just sit down here and get set up, and i'll grab the paper from my office." my teacher gestured to a seat in the front row of the classroom and i followed her directions, sitting myself down and pulling my pens out ready to write. she returned shortly after i made myself comfortable and placed the sheet in front of me.

"you've got 30 minutes. good luck," the teacher instructed before returning to her desk. i stuck my head into the paper, reading the questions in front of me. to my surprise, all of renjun's silly techniques were actually working. i actually knew what to write down this time, and wasn't just hoping my guessing skills would be lucky.


"i've finished," i told the teacher after checking over my answers one last time.

"is your name on it?" she checked, pushing her glasses up from her nose and looking across at me from her desk.

"yep." i stood up and walked towards her, holding the test out for her to collect. "here you go."

"thank you, y/n. if you'd like to wait here a few minutes, i'll mark it now and you can receive your score right away."

"no problem!" i leaned my head to the side to get a better view out the window of the door to the lab and saw renjun still standing outside, waiting for me to be finished. i walked over to the door and knocked on the glass, trying to grab his attention. he jumped slightly as if i had scared him, making me let out a quiet laugh.

'how was it?' renjun mouthed through the glass with an excited smile. i returned his question with a big thumbs up, and gestured for him to come inside the classroom.

"i'm just waiting for it to be marked now, she said i could get my score right away!" i told renjun once he was inside.

"y/n, i've finished. you can come collect your paper," the teacher called from across the classroom. nerves rushed through my body, but i took a breath and walked towards her hoping my new score was at least a little bit better than my last.

"well done. i'm glad you came around, y/n. you have a lot of potential." my teacher said, handing me back the paper. i took it from her and quickly flipped to the front page to see the score.

"85!" i exclaimed, turning to smile at renjun. he smiled back, sharing my excitement.

"i told you you could do it!" he congratulated me, lifting his arm around my shoulders and giving me a comforting squeeze.

"thanks again, miss," i thanked my teacher and walked out the classroom, renjun still latched on to me. once we reached the outside hallway, he let go and pulled me into a hug. after a moment he released me, planting a small kiss on my forehead and looking back into my eyes with a great big grin.

"i'm so proud of you," he said, holding my hands tightly. i felt my cheeks turn pink at the contact, barely being able to mutter out a 'thank you' while becoming completely flustered. not seeming to notice, renjun reached up to my cheek and began to pull my face close to his.

"wait, jun," i stopped him. "can- can we... talk about this?" i stammered out. the boy released his grip on my cheek and resorted his palm to my shoulder instead, nodding as he moved away. "we haven't talked about... what happened yesterday... with us, like, at all," i explained, stuttering.

"oh, right," he acknowledged, looking away.

"i think we should talk about it," i continued, pursing my lips together nervously. "because friends don't..." i trailed off, "friends don't do... that," i finished.

renjun let out a small breath, and i watched his mind tick away at my words. after a moment, he renewed our eye contact, letting his lips fall into a soft smile.

"you're right," he began, his voice quiet and gentle, "so we should probably change that." i kept my focus on him, waiting for him to continue. he waited a second before opening his mouth again to let the rest of his words fall out. "y/n, will you let me have the honour of being your boyfriend?" he proposed confidently, gripping my fingers even tighter.

unable to reciprocate his confidence, i merely nodded and leant my head into his chest, letting his arms wrap themselves around my body and hold me closer.

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