002 | two warm eyes.

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!two warm eyes.

THE NEXT NIGHT, I MADE SURE TO BE EXTRA CAREFUL. i made my way downstairs again to eat dinner, trying to be helpful after what had happened the night before – even though my father was a pain, i'd rather avoid getting in anymore conflict than walk right into it again. i was about to start the washing up when i saw renjun out the window walking across his lawn in our direction. he was holding another dish, this time what looked like a smaller tupperware container.

not again, i thought.

quickly looking for an excuse around me, i resorted to the bins in front of me and pulled out the full linings from each container.

"i'm just gonna take the rubbish out," i said, struggling to tie the bags up as fast as i could to beat renjun before he met our front door. i headed over quickly and let myself outside just as renjun began to make his way up our drive.

"oh, hey y/n!" he greeted. i was dazed and anxious with the weight of knowing we could be approached by a third figure from my front door at any moment. but somehow, my eyes found the time to study the face in front of me. two warm eyes. a bright smile. cheeks that grew soft and round, forming small creases along each of his temples as he stared at me, waiting for a response. i diverted my gaze, looking behind me to make sure my dad hadn't noticed his arrival.

"hi renjun," i spoke back, trying to gesture him away from the house and towards where i was walking instead.

"i brought you some more food," he said, following me as i lifted the rubbish bag into the outside bin. "this time, some fruit. on our way over here we passed this really nice fruit farm and we got to pick our own berries, we got way too much so-"

"you didn't have to," i smiled at him, cutting him off. "but thanks so much!" i took the container from his palms, still taking small glances around the corner to the window praying my dad hadn't seen him yet. "have a nice night!" i said, turning back around to face the house to go back inside.

"wait, where are you going?" he laughed. "i only just said hi!"

"uh," i was lost for an explanation as to why i had to leave again so quickly. i just stopped and stared as he looked right back at me waiting for an answer.

"did you eat the casserole yet?" he asked. my heart dropped a little remembering dad's outburst last night. well, it sure was finished alright.

"um, no, not yet," i said back apologetically. i made a mental note to buy him a new porcelain dish to replace his before he finds out what happened to it.

"that's too bad, it's really good! my mom ma-"

"i'm sorry, i really have to go," i managed to blurt out, cutting him off again. "thank you for this though," i said, stumbling my way back to my house.

"bye then, i guess," renjun whispered under his breath, seemingly disappointed.

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