007 | he left me shaken.

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!he left me shaken.

               OUR PLAN WORKED. i managed to make my way home safely with renjun walking at least a minute in front of me to avoid my dad catching any suspicions. pulling myself up the stairs, i walked into my bedroom and threw myself on to my bed, dragging my bag onto the floor. i stared at the ceiling for a moment, letting my body rest. i shut my eyes for a second, but felt myself instinctively jolt up again almost straight away as my bedroom door flung open.

"Y/N!" an angry yell echoed through my ears. startled, i examined the man standing in front of me. my heart dropped when i saw a red container of soggy fruit in his hands, sealed with a lid labelled 'huang'.

shit! i cursed to myself. i had forgotten to move the container from the other night away from the front door, and now, he had found it.

"What the hell is this?! Huang? The name of that boy? I thought I told you not to talk to him!"

as the yelling continued, i tried my best to hold myself together, not letting my lip tremble as much as it wanted to. i could feel my breath becoming shakier as i grew more and more anxious of what was to happen next; there was no way i would get this one off with just a few mean words.

as he yelled, he took steps closer to me and i tried to walk backwards to keep my distance from him, but i'd soon reach the wall with nowhere else to fall. just as i least expected it, i felt my heart lurch out of my chest as i threw my arms up in front of my face to protect myself from my father's sudden raised hand. he had pulled his arm up as if to hit me, but to my relief had stopped himself before he made contact with my skin.

it wouldn't have been the first time he struck me, but i had been so careful since then so i could avoid it happening again. i hadn't come that close in a long time, but ever since renjun turned up i had become slack in protecting myself.

sending a deathly glare towards me, he scowled at me one last time before leaving my room and slamming the door behind him. he left me shaken. i stood there, tears ready to rush down my cheeks. unable to keep my shivering body steady, i walked back to my bed to sit down and ease my trembling breaths. i let my limp body onto my bed frame and let my tears run free down my face as silently as i could, looking out to the window.

my eyes met renjun's, who was standing at the end of his bed with a shocked look on his face as he stared into my bedroom, bag still strapped to his back. i was embarrassed to have him see me like that. i would've been embarrassed for anyone to see me like that, but it felt ten times worse to have him right next door knowing there was nothing either of us could do about it. i got up and quickly shut my curtains to stop him from observing anymore of my breakdown – there was only so much that should be shared with another person after having known them for only a week.

somewhere only we know | huang renjunWhere stories live. Discover now