017 | won't you come with me?

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!won't you come with me?

MY MIND WAS CLOUDED, BUT I KNEW WHAT I WANTED. before i could think straight, i was turning around and making my way towards the door, twisting the knob slowly and pulling it open as quietly as i could. i poked my head around the corner to see my dad sat in his own bedroom with his back faced to me which gave me the green light to sneak downstairs.

in the kitchen, i reached up to the cabinet he thought i'd never be able to reach. inside was my phone, where he had 'hidden' it from me a few days earlier. i quickly but silently ran upstairs, safely making it inside my bedroom again. i didn't wait a second before punching renjun's number into the dial pad, waiting for him to answer my call.

"junnie," i cried as soon as he picked up, tears suddenly streaming down my face.

"i saw everything, are you okay?" renjun's voice was shaky, and i could tell he really was concerned.

"i want to go, i can't do it anymore. i can't," i trembled through the phone.

"you want to go, what? where?"

"anywhere but here, i don't care. i need to leave. i need to, i need to, i need to." it was hard to cry out to him knowing my dad was still next door and could hear me the moment i spoke one word too loud. renjun was quiet but i heard him sigh through the phone, and i looked up to see him pacing around his room, his hand rubbing his forehead nervously.

"listen," he finally began, trying to reassure me. "i know how hard it is for you right now, baby, i know. but... but if you really do leave, what's going to happen? you don't have a place to stay and... and it's dangerous out there."

"won't you come with me?" i pleaded. "i can't be here anymore, but i need you too jun. can't we go together? you told me yesterday that one day we would." i knew i was asking a lot, but honestly, my desperation was clouding any ounce of rationality i had left; words simply kept falling out of my mouth.

"i know but," he paused for a moment. "but y/n, i didn't think 'one day' meant so soon."

"i have enough money saved up for at least a few weeks for both of us," i told him, my voice still trembling. "we don't have to go for that long, just a break. you said you don't like it here either, didn't you? didn't you mean it?"

"of course i meant it. you're the only thing that's keeping me sane, y/n."

"please jun, what have we got to lose?"

somewhere only we know | huang renjunWhere stories live. Discover now