020 | we don't need it.

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!we don't need it.

"TODAY HAS BEEN FUN." my breath formed a cool mist as i spoke, while renjun and i walked in the dark through a park we found in the inner city. we had nearly gotten kicked out of an art gallery that was definitely too high-class for two runaway teenagers, we'd indulged in a semi-fancy restaurant dinner, and now we were finishing it off with a late-night walk before heading back to the apartment.

"i'm glad you enjoyed it, baby," renjun replied. i blushed at the nickname, smiling down shyly at our feet while we walked. "we can call today our first official date, hm?"

"yeah," i agreed, grinning up at him before leaning into his shoulder.

"it's not over yet though," the boy said.

"we can't do much else, junnie," i giggled, "it's too late. everything's shut."

"we don't need anyone else for a date night!" he said.

"what do you mean?"

renjun slowed his steps and led me off the pathway onto the grass. he reached into his pocket, pulling out a pair of tangled earphones.

"remember last weekend? you said you wanted to dance under the stars," he said, staring down into my eyes.

"you remember," i said quietly in mere disbelief.

"of course," he assured, as if it was the bare minimum. he pulled his phone from the pocket of his black jeans and plugged the earphones in. he clicked the lock button a few times, but his screen failed to light up. "i think my phone's dead," he let out with a frustrated sigh.

i pushed his hands away, ushering for him to put the phone back into his pocket.

"it's fine, junnie. we don't need it."

with that, i leant my head into his chest and let his heartbeat be our music. wrapping my arms around his body, he did the same, holding me close. i felt him lean his chin neatly on the top of my head, and let him sway me slowly back and forth with his hips, as if we really were dancing to a ballad ringing through the both of our ears.

minutes passed, though it hadn't felt like any time had gone by at all, and renjun broke our silence, looking up into the night sky.

"y/n, look at the stars," he spoke softly.

i looked up, admiring the twinkling lights above us. renjun reestablished our eye contact, letting me take a glimpse of how the starlight reflected in his eyes, as if the stars were really inside them.

"you also said you wanted to stargaze, right?"

"i did," i nodded, smiling brightly.

renjun removed his jacket and laid it down on the grass before laying himself down on half of it, leaving the other half for me to do the same. i followed as he did, resting my head on his shoulder as i got myself comfortable on the grass underneath us.

as we stared up at the constellations, renjun spoke once more.

"i'm glad we did this, y/n," he paused. "and i'm glad i met you."

i wore a bashful grin, leaning further into renjun's side shyly. "i'm glad too," i replied, lifting my hand to rest on his chest.

we stayed there for a while, but it soon got late, and with two useless battery-less phones we agreed it was best to head back to the apartment.

we stood ourselves up from the grass and made our way back to the concrete path. but before we could start walking again, renjun took my fingers in his and turned to face me.

"so is this where i get to kiss you again?" he asked, softly but confidently. i gave in, simply nodding at his request, and let him lean into me.

with two fingers placed under my chin, he soon met my lips, keeping them warm with his own. he moved them gently and slowly, and i copied, as he moved in closer to deepen the kiss. i felt his gentle palm make its way to the back of my neck as the other clutched a grip on my waist, holding me while he continued moving our lips in sync.

we soon pulled away, but renjun kept his forehead pressed against mine, eyes still shut for a moment. i closed mine again too, trying my best to save every ounce of what i was feeling in that moment — the gratitude, the euphoria, the love i really had for the boy who stood innocently in front of me. this was a night i knew i'd never forget.

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