011 | somewhere only we know.

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!somewhere only we know.

               "COME ON!" renjun whispered, motioning for me to follow him. i laughed along as i ran towards the boy, who was approaching a wired fence that was laced in vines and leaves.

"where are we going?" i asked through broken giggles, stumbling my way forward.

"just come on!" he answered, "you'll see." with that, he jumped over the fence and stood behind it waiting for me to catch up. i copied him, climbing my way over and standing helplessly waiting for further instructions.

we soon ended up walking through a crowd of tall trees, navigating our way without a path to follow.

"i didn't know there was a whole ass forest out here, i was just expecting to find a small park or something," renjun said in awe as we walked. "how could you not tell me about this?!"

"i haven't been here in a long time, i kind of forgot it existed," i laughed. "i used to come here exploring all the time as a little kid, but eventually my dad caught on and... you know."

renjun nodded, understanding what i was implying. "well hey, at least you were able to come back again today!" he said with a smile.

i grinned back. "yeah," i agreed. "this trip only ever happens once a year," i explain, "it's the one weekend i get to myself without my dad being on my back the whole time. it's nice to spend it with someone this time."

while renjun and i explored among the trees, my dad was in the city for a two-day work trip. he had gone on the same trip for the last three years, this year being his fourth, so i knew exactly what time to expect him home again which meant i could spend (nearly) the whole weekend with renjun, stress free.

"hey," renjun said, pointing ahead of us. "this spot's perfect!" my eyes followed his finger to see a patch of grass bordered with branches and flowers, complete with two big rocks as if to mimic two seats perfect for the both of us to sit on. renjun kept walking forward towards the spot, me following closely behind, and sat himself down on one of the rocks. "this can be our secret little spot," he said, patting the rock next to him to gesture for me to sit down. "somewhere only we know."

i nodded in agreement, fond of the idea of having something special with someone – something that wasn't just made up in my head.

"let's play a game," renjun invited. "fast five, you know it?"

i shook my head.

"i'll give you five topics, like... movies, and you have to tell me your favorite from each topic as quick as you can. then we'll swap. got it?"

"i think so," i chuckled.

"okay. movie, color, song, word, book. go!"

"okay uh," i stuttered, mind racing.

"quickly!" he rushed.

"green book, purple, good days by sza, empathy, and... lord of the flies," i spat out.

"lord of the flies? really? our english book?" renjun retorted in disbelief.

"i don't know," i shrugged. "it was the first book i could think of!" i defended. "besides, it's not that bad!"

"you could do better."

"alright, alright." i thought for a second, before redeeming myself with a new answer. "the great gatsby," i decided with a nod. "wait, wait, no. the rosie project, that's my favorite."


"wait, uh," i cut renjun off, reconsidering my response. "no, maybe the great gatsby, it's a classic," i settled.

"uh huh," renjun hummed, not looking convinced.

"aw but, the rosie project was so cute," i whined, unable to decide.

renjun laughed. "so which is it? you're taking so long, it's kind of defeating the purpose of the game," he teased.

"i can't choose! forget it, it's your turn. tv show, subject, animal, late-night snack, and... personality trait in someone."

"the office, art – of course – a fox, chocolate and," renjun paused for a moment, lifting his head to make eye contact with me. "indecisiveness," he grinned, cheesily.

i rolled my eyes. "that was smooth," i lied. renjun shrugged as if to act so innocent.

"what's your type?"

i looked up at him, caught off guard.

"my type? you mean, like-"

"like a boyfriend," he explained, confidently.

i scoffed. "why would you wanna know that?" i asked, raising my eyebrows.

renjun lifted his shoulders, taking in a breath as he looked around him to find an answer. "maybe i can find you someone," he offered.

"you wanna find me someone? why?" i laughed. "i'd never be allowed to have a boyfriend."

"surely you've thought about what you'd like if you could have one though, right?" he persisted.

i took a breath, sorting through my thoughts to answer the boy waiting beside me.

"i'm not that picky," i said honestly. "as long as they're kind, and i can get along with them well."

"is that all?" renjun asked, appearing to be in disbelief.

i hummed, trying to come up with something more to 'satisfy' him. i thought back to one of our previous conversations, when i learnt about how much renjun loves to paint. "i really like someone who has a hobby or something to be passionate about – i like watching them doing it or talking about it, when you can really tell that they love whatever their 'thing' is."

renjun nodded, smiling softly to himself. i watched his cheeks turn a light shade of pink, but kept my observation to myself only grinning at the sight. while i watched, he opened his mouth again to continue firing away.

"what's your dream date, y/n?" he asked.

"you're really persistent, huh?" i teased, chuckling.

"come on," he pushed, "surely you have one! you can choose to go anywhere in the world, do anything you want to. what is it?"

i sighed, deciding to oblige. "i would really love a simple night out. you know, we could lie down and stargaze, or dance under the stars – just the two of us, and–"

"us?" renjun interrupted.

i felt my cheeks redden as i suddenly became flustered, words beginning to stutter out of my mouth. "oh, n-no, i mean... like, uh–"

i hadn't even noticed what i was saying before it had all just fallen out. as someone who was a sucker for cheesy romance dramas, i'd have to admit i spent a long time in my head, daydreaming about exactly what i'd want when the time came; so when i started to tell renjun, it all just came out naturally and i had lost track of what i was even saying.

"i mean whoever i'm with," i manage to finish.

"do you think we–" renjun's words were cut off by my phone's ringtone in my back pocket.

"it's my dad."

somewhere only we know | huang renjunWhere stories live. Discover now