Episode two: the tournament begans

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-four days-

Josh appears at the space prison x "are you ready shredder" josh said as shredder smirks and nods "remember no killing" josh said as he rolls his eyes.

-a few hours-

Josh nicole sky lavender and shredder the tournament grounds "welcome to the first universal tournament two planets face off against each other for the prize but plot twist the winner of the tournament gets it" the man said "let's go over the rules" he said "no killing,no outside weapons such as blades guns etc now let's get this started round one will consist of Joshua vercetti and Vince" the man said as josh and Vince fly down to the battle zone "your going down vercetti" Vince said as josh smirks "oh you think so" he said as flames cover his body "begin!" The man said as josh and Vince fly at each other punching each other's fists the force of the punch cracks the floor as josh skies back a masked man looks down at the battle zone watching the fight watching every move of the two.
Josh flies to Vince and punch him hard making him fly back near the boundaries "shit that was close" Vince whispered as josh flies to him and punches him hard making Vince fly out of the boundaries "round one goes to josh!" The announcer said josh flies over to the stands and lands next to nicole and Shelby" the announcer said as nicole and Shelby fly to the battle zone "your going down pretty girl" she said "fight!" The announcer said as nicole flies to Shelby and punches her hard making her fly back Shelby stops her self and blasts nicole as nicole dodges the blast nicole then smirks and flies to her but Shelby grabs her and throws her out of bounds "Shelby wins next up is shredder and the masked fighter" the announcer said as they fly to the zone "tour going down!" Shredder yells "don't be confident in your self big boy I'm near strength and power" he said and smirks.

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