Episode nine: multiverse war begins

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Josh flies over to moro hard making him fly back into the moon josh then teleports to him and punches him again josh smirks and forms a ball of fire in his hand "you fall by my hand!" Josh yells and goes to blast him but a mysterious man flies in and licks josh making him fly to the other side of the moon "who are you" moro asked "I am an elite worrier from the future here to bring vercetti down I am zeron" zeron said as he smirks he was the man who was fighting ivArfrom the future "let's go regroup with your people" zeron said as he and moro disappear josh gets up in a lot of pain "skyler to you copy?" Josh said through the radio "yes what is it bro" skyler asked "moro and a new enemy are headed your way be careful his power was unbelievably powerful I could barely read it he may be strong enough to wipe out earth with a blink of an eye" josh said "alright I'll do my best" sly said "good I'm going to get reinforcements" josh said flying off.


Sky walks to nicole and lavender "we have a problem there's a person on Derricks Team with a huge power level he may be the strongest enemy yet" skyler said "we need to do everything to protect earth" skyler said as nicole nods

Moro zeron appear and blasts the ranch completely destroying it "with that out of the way we will destroy earth" moro said as zeron sends a blast to las santos completely leveling the town then he flies out above the atmosphere and starts sending a bunch of huge blasts all over the word destroying every town city village killing all life on earth but sky nicole Ivar and lavender. "Universe seven will fall here!" Moro yells while laughing as skyler flies to moro and punches him hard but zeron kicks sky making him fly down crashing into the wasteland

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