Episode seven: alliance with rhe gaurdians

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"What's the first planet were visiting" josh asked "I believe planet shred" sky said "how big is their army" josh asked "a good thousand soldiers" sly said "not much but we can use all the soldiers we can" josh said.

The ship lands and josh and Vercetti walk into the palace "who are you" the man said "I am Joshua vercetti and this is skyler vercetti we are in from planet earth we have came here to ask for your assistance in a war" josh said "wait Joshua vercetti as in protector of the universe?" The man asked "yes" josh said "then you have my assistance in what ever war comes to you my soldiers are at your command" the man asked "may we get your name" josh asked "Kenton" the man said "ok lord Kenton we will contact you once the war starts make sure your soldiers are trained up" josh said as he and sly leave "maybe we should try another universe our universe isn't that big" sky said "where shall we go" josh asked "there's a group of gods in universe ten known as guardians I heard that they have the strength and army to fight in huge wars across their universe" skyler said "let's go then" josh said

-universe ten-
-planet firajt-

The ship lands in the advanced tech city as josh and Derrick get out of the ship and looks around "this city is beautiful" skyler said as Alex appears "as it has been through many many wars" Alex said "I am Alex one of the guardians and one of the founding councilmen of this world" Alex said "I am Joshua vercetti may we speak to the council?" Josh said as Alex nods teleporting them to the council hall.

"Welcome to the firajt council where our leader enchanta and our friends and fellow councilmen sit such as Daryl, Vulcan, iroh, Ragnar" Alex said "so you all are gods?" Josh asked "yes I am god of dragons enchanta is the god of fire Daryl Phoenix god iroh god of thunder Vulcan lava and Ragnar god of war" Alec said "I have a request of you all there is a war that is erupting in the multiverse by my brother Derrick he has teamed up with other universe" josh said "we know about this war as of our own is along side your brother our longtime never ending enemy olomog" Alec said "tell me about this olomog" josh said "we'll he's ruthless and pure evil someone you don't want to come face to face with in a head on battle" Alec said "then you would help us win?" Josh asked as Alec nods "yes and we will have our resistance" Alec said.

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