Episode fourteen: zeron secrets revealed the future no more?

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Josh flies to zeron and punches him hard making him push back a few feet, zeron smirks and grabs josh slamming him into the ground, he then grabs the back of joshs neck and drags him in the ground cutting his face and neck josh then throws zeron off  josh stands up and throws a ball of fire at him but zeron absorbs the fire josh looks "damnit how are you this strong!" Josh yells "I have one large secret that no one knows but your brother" zeron said "and that is?" Josh said "well the future"zeron said.

-future timeline-

Ivar was breathing heavy looking at zeron "why have you come here?" Ivar said "after I killed your father many years ago I decided not to stop there but expunge the entire vercetti family then all of existence" zeron said "your gonna have to go through me!" Ivar said flying to zeron but zeron blasts a huge hole in ivars chest as he falls to the ground.


"First I killed you then ten years later I educated your son but I didn't stop there!" Zeron said


Zeron appears at vercetti ranch as Skyler flies to zeron but zeron blasts skyler turning him into ash as nicole and lavender look at zeron in fear as zeron smirks blasting both nicole and lavender turning them into ash.


"I killed Skyler then your wife nicole and daughter lavender" zeron laughed out as josh looks at the ground feeling anger rage and sadness the ground starts to shake rapidly and roughly causing the ground to break apart "you..." josh said as tears drop onto the ground the flames around josh body vanish "you...you...killed my family!!!" Josh yells letting out his rage vas a bright light covers josh "I'll...I'll make you pay!" Josh flies out of the bright white light punching zeron making him fly back crashing into the mountain crashing out the other side joshs hair was completely white hid pupils have vanished strange ancient divine markings appear all over his arms josh them flys to zeron and slams him into the ground breaking his back bones josh then lifts him up the the throat and crushes his throat making his head explode.

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