Episode fifteen: final farewell

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Derrick looks at josh "I guess this is the final" Derrick said as josh drops zerons body Derrick then lands infront of josh "why are you doing this" josh asked "well to remove you from existence and find the Omni king and execute him" Derrick said "see the Omni king is the creator of the multiverse and I want to take over to make the multiverse rightfully mine and make it the way I want" Derrick said "after all I ever done for you I helped you I saved you when everyone else wanted you dead I gave you so many chances and this is how you repay me!" Josh yells and flies to Derrick punching him hard making him fly back derrick gets up as darkness covers his body josh and Derrick fly at each other at full speeds as they punch each other's faces sure making them both fly back fast and hitting the mountains josh gets up as Derrick get up as well they both fly at each other at full speeds and all their force "let's see who survives!" Derrick said "you'll die" josh said as they both punch each others fists causing a huge explosion that causes the planet to explode both Derrick and josh keep fighting taking no damage from the planet exploding the two were now fighting in deep space josh then kicks Derrick as Derrick crashes into the planets moon josh gathered an immense power and all of his power holding his hands infront of him as a huge ball of fire and lighting form "this is all the power I've got!" Josh yells "nova force!!" Josh yells as the giant ball of fire and lighting gets thrown at Derrick as Derrick used what power he had left trying to push the ball of fire and lighting away "I can't go out this way! I must kill you and take out the Omni king!" Derrick yells "too bad I won't let you you've caused too much damage and suffering!" Josh yells putting more power into the blast as it starts to push and slam into Derrick and the moon as the ball explodes both explode the moon and turning Derrick into ash josh was breathing heavy as he turns back into his normal form "finally...." josh said as he passes out falling down floating down deep space as a bright figure grabs josh and teleports away.

-planet vamp-

Nicole looks at the sky "please return" nicole said as shredder and the guardians arrive "where's josh?" Nicole asked as shredder shrugs "don't know he flew off to battle Derrick and zeron" shredder said as the bright figure appears holding josh setting him down as nicole runs to josh "he's alive" the figure said as josh wakes up looking around "did we win?" Nicole asked as josh nods "he's dead turned to ash and dust he won't be a problem anymore" josh sits up in a lot of pain and covered in cuts and bruises "who are you" shredder asked as the figure forms it was a man in Devine clothing and had the same markings as josh did in his new unknown form "I am Zeno the Omni king" Zeno said as josh stands up and bows down "no need to bow" Zeno said as josh stands up "what brings you here Omni king?" Josh said "I watched your fight and how you fought this war then suddenly you tapped into power only the Omni king could use so I decided to come to you to bring you to the Omni realm and train you up teach you the life of the multiverse so one day you become Omni king when I retire" Zeno said as josh looks at nicole "do it we'll be fine this is something you shouldn't turn down I'll support you" nicole said as he nods and kisses her deeply "I love you and hope to see you again" josh said as Zeno and him start to teleport off as josh waves at them one last time.

(((Thank you for coming this far with the vercetti saga it's been a bumpy road I haven't got much views on this story it's been a huge part of my life writing vercetti and I hope that one day it'll be known I thought about ending vercetti all together I am still thinking about if I should make another vercetti and keep it going and again I thank you for staying and reading the vercetti saga)))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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