ᥫ᭡.│He's An Arrogant Asshole

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Song: Heartless

By: Madison Beer

Dedicated to: You guys, for being so patient! HERE IS THE FIRST CHAPTER!

Dedicated to: You guys, for being so patient! HERE IS THE FIRST CHAPTER!

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Nine Hours Before:

You know the saying, "Friends with benefits never works?"

Believe it.

It's true.

I've been in a friends-with-benefits situation with Darien Kaye for three months. And it's been two months since I've fallen for him.

We'd agreed not to catch feelings or have any attachments...yet here I am.

I'm planning a surprise party for his birthday. Also, I'm hoping to tell him about my feelings tonight. Maybe he feels the same way but is too afraid to say anything.

Maybe. Hopefully...please let me be right.

All the signs are there.

Darien and I met at school while I was trying out for the girl's hockey team. The boy's hockey team was practicing on the ice rink when Darien almost tumbled on top of me. He kept apologizing and there was no way in hell I'd ever not forgive him with that smile of his.

He found me on Instagram and the rest was history. We'd start as mutuals, my brother making it clear that he didn't want us together...we didn't listen obviously. And then things became more. We'd agreed to keep it casual and fun since our past relationships didn't work out.

His girlfriend dumped him because of different schools, she attends Morhills Academy. And my boyfriend left me for another girl.

But who cares anymore?

I enter my house after a long day at practice, sweaty and red.

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