18- Let's Stalk the Bitch

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Summer is right around the corner. This past few weeks into the spring term were spent mostly studying, to distract myself over the thought of Angel running off to college soon. Way too soon. We hadn't discussed it at all, actually. He had mentioned briefly he applied to some community colleges, since he doesn't believe in spending thousands over an education he can get cheaper.

He was a step away of getting into the adult world. And here I was, having another year to look forward for in high school.

You must be wondering, were said community colleges set off thousands of miles away? Yes, yes they were.

Have we discussed if we'll be doing long distancing? No, no we haven't.

Its like we're both stalling our relationship's intended doom.

"...my mom's headed out of town this weekend, to celebrate the finalization of my parents divorce," I drawled out, eyeing my food. Angel laid against the kitchen island at his house, with his arms crossed looking down at me.

His eyebrows furrowed at me, oblivious to my family's split.

No kidding, since I barely talk about what a hell it's been with my drunk 24/7 dad.

I cleared my throat, "She wants to treat herself to a getaway, while my dad spends it here. Packing his bags, to move out."

I felt Angel caress my arm, immediately I laid my head on his chest.

"Where too?" He asked, after laying a brief kiss on the top of my forehead. The action alone, made my stomach flutter.

This guy has no idea the effect he has on me.

What would I do with myself if he accepts a college at the other side of the world? Sighing, I shook my head to myself. As if to get rid of my own thoughts.

"New York." At the brief mention, I felt him stiffen. Giving me a weird sense of dejavú, since he tended to do that a lot back when we first met.

Then something weirder happened.

Vanessa his little sister visibly gasped, eyeing Angel worriedly. She thought she did it an angle I wouldn't notice. But I did.

What's wrong with New York?

Nevertheless, I shaked it off, "My mom told me I could bring a plus-one, and since Keekee is doing something with her parents- hello?"

I looked up in annoyance, but confusion fell upon me when I saw that Angel wasn't even present in the conversation. His face was blank, as if deep in thought of something.

Snapping my fingers in front of his face,"Hello, earth to Angel." He blinked, looking drained. But then visibly calmed down when he looked down at me, giving me a side smile. As if he was brought back to reality.

"Go on."

"Come with me to New York." I deadpanned, tired of going around circles.

"It'll be my pleasure Madds." Madds, I like the way it rolled off his tongue. I wondered why he stopped calling me Kaitlyn. And why do I lowkey miss it?

I squealed, jumping into his arms in a hug jumping up and down. Feeling his deep chuckles above me, "This weekend is going to be so fun! Let me call my mom real quick, so she'll be updated." I pecked him on the cheek before running off to a quiet corner.

As I finished the phone call with my mom, I practically came in skipping. But suddenly stopped dead in my tracks, when I saw there was a heated conversation between Angel and Vanessa.

Moments like these make me happy I'm an on child.

"When are you going to tell her?" Vanessa hissed.

My eyes widened, when I realized they were talking about me. I hid behind a wall, when I noticed Angel was about to glance around before answering.

"As far as I know, she doesn't need to know. Why bring it up now?"

Vanessa scoffed, she stopped whatever she was going to say to him when she took me in entering the kitchen. "Nothing." She walked away.

My smile faltered, "Tell me what Ángel?"

I think I'll know if he lied to me, but Keekee did always tell me how shitty of a lying detector I would've been.

Angel's shocked face changed rather drastically to a calm one, "Nothing. Brothers and sisters fight all the time, you know?"


"Besides, I'll see you this Friday." He must've noticed my confusion, since it's only a Monday. "I gotta take care of something first. Text me your flight details. See you in four days."

In his frantic little explanation, he took me in by my arm and led me towards the front door. I can't help but feel all these kinds of emotions, which none of them result to be good.

He pecked me on my lips, as a goodbye. When he was going to turn away, I made him twirl towards me. "Hey." With a tug of his shirt, I lowered him down to a kiss that was anything but a peck.

Liking to have the last word, I was also the one who backed away from our heavy kissing first. Leaving him panting, good. I guess that'll do for whatever his going to ghost me over this week.

"See you." With a wink, I left.

Now that's how it done.

Time to overthink everything that happened today.


"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God." I punched my head against the table at the coffee shop. A day has gone by, resulting me in begging for Keekee to meet up with. "Angel is obviously cheating on me. Why else would he not see me for four days?"

Keekee shook her head, having no idea why herself. She gave me a pitiful pat, before beaming when our waiter came by with our iced coffee and scones.

"Girl that's why you gotta bang them and leave em'." She hummed to herself in agreement.

"Yeah, and how's that worked out for you?" Keekee gawked at my reply, before laughing.

"You're really overthinking this?"

"Keekee if you had a boyfriend who was head over wheels with you one day, then asks for indirect space the next. You'll be going crazy."

She was thinking to herself out Lloyd now, "But he's going to New York."

I gasped, having forgotten Moms idea of a spontaneous trip. "The trip! Man I should just cancel him right now. To save myself the heartache."

Keekee beamed, as I sadly sipped my coffee. "Let's stalk him! If he's cheating on you, we'll catch him."

I groaned, slugging down to my chair. "I don't know." Keekee shook my arms,

"Come on," she had an excited grin plastered on her face,

"Let's stalk the bitch."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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