7- Lose Your Bra. Not Your Virginity

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Chapter seven: Lose Your Bra. Not Your Virginity

 Not Your Virginity

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"Sorry, for coming late sir- I mean, madam!"

I blew a strand of blonde hair that came across my forehead, chuckling nervously when I accidentally bursted open through the doors dramatically. My ancient most probably Russian ethnicity dance teacher, glared at me.

Peaceful ballerinas, stretching and doing twirls at every other corner. This studio being their safe haven, and mine's. The longing feeling of here, giving me goosebumps. So many stories being shared, by only with mere movements. Dancers escaping reality whenever they want, getting lost in the music. Such an amazing feeling.

I swear my life's a movie sometimes. Cause' I'm telling you, the moment I entered through those doors the classical music screeched to a halt. Everybody's attentions were on me.

Definitely not a good idea to party, when the day after you have dance class to attend for the first time since you injured your ankle.

Stupid Keekee.

Mrs. Kaur flicked her hand, and at that small gesture all the dancers continued to do what they were doing. Adjusting my bun, I internally prayed that from the rush this morning I didn't accidentally had put on my black bodysuit backwards or anything.

I winced, briefly closing my eyes waiting for the impact. AKA getting lectured, this early in the morning. "Miss Jones, you know I don't tolerate my students coming in late. If you can't come at the time as asked, don't bother coming at all."

If she told me this ten years ago, I would've bawled my eyes out. But already getting to know her through out the years, I've accepted her rough character.

Sighing, I massaged my temples. "With all due respect ma'am, the reason that I came in late was because I partied last night." She raised her eyebrows in a surprised manner, already disapproval seeping through her expressions.

I quickly cut in, when I saw that she was about to say something. "But before you judge, I'm young and stupid okay? I don't really know what were yesterday's events, but what I do know that I've lost my bra and woke up with my head leaning down on my toilet with old puke. Oh, and for some reason my mouth felt as if a truck filled with cigarettes and vomit ran over me. Twice. I already had a rough morning, the least you can do it's let this one slide. You were a teenager once, deep down I know you understand. Now, can I please go take your class?" I finished my ramble, with a small exhale. Feeling good, with myself. This was the first time, that I've really expressed myself this big in words with my teacher.

Mrs. Kaur hummed, before nodding. I beamed with my signature Cheshire grin.

"You're dismissed." My face fell. "When you get your attitude fixed, then you may attend my class Miss Jones."

See, this are moments when I notice that my life isn't a movie.


"There was this boy that talked to me at the party, and stuff. He seemed pretty chill, we began talking since we were being loners at the kitchen together."

"Huh." I grunted, still pretty annoyed and bummed about earlier. My phone being on speaker, while I multitasked by flipping a magazine, that was upside down. Chilling, in my room. The usual.

"I actually started liking the guy with his jock, but rocker look he had going on. But then he had que joder to'. " My magazine flipping came to a halt, when Keekee started to curse out in Spanish. Making me chuckle a little.

"I'm guessing he screwed up, any chances he had with you. Continue."

"Exactly! This is why your my hoe, you don't even speak Spanish and still manage to understand me my Caucasian friend." She said all in one sentence, sounding grateful through the phone.

I laughed out loud now. "Racist." I faked coughed.

"I don't think it works out that way," Keekee said doubtfully, before groaning afterwards, "He was so cute. Stupid boys. As I was saying, at eleven I had to go. Because you know, strict Latino parents and shit. Since it's walking distance, he offered to come with me. And here's when shit get nasteh-"

"Please tell me you beat him with a chancleta of some sort." I mumbled, distractedly.

"He grabs," Keekee continues sounding infuriated, that next thing I know I hear her scream into a pillow. "My butt. Mi culo. ¡Mi nalga! Okay?"


"Oh that's okay, really. I'm fine, for almost getting frikin molested. No need to get all worried." I quickly detected sarcasm from the phone, my eyebrows scrunching up together at her voice. "What's up with you?" Keekee added.

I let out a nonchalant sigh, tossing my magazine on the end of my bed. "I just can't, remember anything from last night. And it's just frustrating, you know?"

Only thing I remember is stupidly stripping, and laying on the beach shore with only knickers. Oh and a bottle of vodka. That's it.

"You should probably ask that guy you left the party with, then."

My ears perked at her words. Panicking seeping in. "What? I left with someone? A guy to be exact? Oh my God, did I left with a rapist? I'm probably not a virgin anymore."

"Yo, chill down there tiger. Don't worry, I don't think it was a rapist."

"Gee, that didn't made me feel shittier at all."

I can hear her snapping her fingers, as if she was trying to remember. "It was the same guy that I caught who was stalking you, that one time. When you were caught up in dancing, he was about to take a picture-"

"I think I need to go outside, smell the daisies. To recover from whatever I did last night. I'll call back later."

She let out a defeated sigh, since she couldn't really refresh my memory. "Promise?"


Fast forward, contemplating if I should lay down on my front yard and risk being bitten by a gazillion ants. Instead I decided to sit down on my sidewalk, glancing down on my phone mentally debating on which song could make me go into chill mode.

"You know what? Fuck it. Since negative times negative gives you positive, I'm just going to listen to Lana Del Rey to lift up my mood." I announced out loud to myself, while putting on an earphone.

"I don't think it's normal to talk to yourself."

"And who the hell are you to tell me otherwise-?" Whatever words that were on my mouth, were probably on La La Land when my eyes turned to the source of the voice. Pinch me, I think I'm dreaming.

"Lorenzo? Hi!"

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