17- This Was Purely Physical

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I winced, not knowing how to start this conversation I had dreaded for too long. Keekee's masquerade birthday bash in the background won't even tune out the way I can feel my heart beating fast.

"There's no easy way of saying this Lorenzo..." I was sure I'll have a panic attack right then and there. Just when I wanted the floor to swallow me whole, Angel caught my eye across the room. Nodding his head at me in reassurance, I felt warmth in me. To be honest with you, that was all the push I needed.

I heaved a sigh, "It wouldn't be fair to me or t-to you." Lorenzo underneath his Zorro mask, looked frantically across my face.

"Spit it out Maddy, your driving my anxiety through the roof." He half jokingly says.

"I'm breaking up with you. " I blurted out.

Lorenzo beamed at me, letting out a sigh. He looked... relieved?

"Oh thank God." He grabbed both my arms, making me raise my eyebrows at his reaction,
"You have no idea how you just did me a favor." He starts out,

"Your welcome-?"

"I was planning on breaking up with you after graduating, so I can focus on my premed path in college. But this just makes it much better." Lorenzo says with honesty.

"This was not the reaction I expected." I laughed out, shaking my head. I gave a pat on his shoulder. "You are something else."

"Friends?" He says sheepishly, with a grin.

"I'll like that." I nodded at him,"Friends."

Lorenzo looked down on me with a hopeful smile, like he wanted to say something else but decided not too. All of a sudden he took a step closer to me, now with his head lowered next to mine he a gave a swift kiss on my cheek.

Then he was gone.

I feel... terrible. Did he break up with me, or was it the other way around? Guess that's what I deserve, after repeatedly cheating on him with Angel.

I felt arms snaking around my waist, the all too familiar cologne engulfing me, "How did it go?" Angel asked, as he swayed us to the music.

Laying my head against his chest, "I think it went well. I don't know why I don't feel satisfied as I hoped."

Angel twirled me, so I could face him now. He searched for my face, and even underneath a sparkly mask he could tell I wasn't happy. "You think it's the guilt?"

"Yeah," I admitted, looking down to my heels. He tipped my head up towards, I took him in for the first time. Angel look as handsome as always, even underneath his red mask matching his red tux. "I'm not like that, this" I gestured between us,"was the first time I ever did something so foolish-"

"Foolish-?" Angel stepped back, letting go of his embrace. A flash of hurt went across his face.

I winced, shaking my head frantically,"That came out entirely wrong." Angel kept walking away from me.

Keekee's party was packed with people I don't even think are from this town. To the level that Angel quickly disappeared from the dozens of people that are dancing left and right.

Great, another guy that's happy to be without me.

It's been almost two hours, since I last saw Angel. I've looked everywhere, even a frantic drunken Keekee helped out. Till she was called to do more strip poker.

Then a thought went through me. How couldn't I have thought this sooner? This venue is right in front of the beach? He must be there.

My suspicion turned to relief when I peaked the back of Angels head. I almost sprinted to hug him from behind.

"I'm sorry-"

"I'm sorry."

We both blurted out. I raised my eyebrows in confusion, "What do you have to be sorry for?"

He patted the sand next to me, as I took off my mask he continued,"I shouldn't have reacted that way. I'm so deep in my feelings with you Maddy, that I'm too afraid of losing you."

My mouth fell in an 'O' shape,"This may be hard to tell you, but this was purely physical." I sarcastically stated, receiving a playful push from him. He flashed a smile, holding in a chuckle.

That same smile that got me in trouble in the first place.

"You have nothing to worry about Angel," I cupped his beautiful rugged face,"Because even though I can't tell what the future has in store for us, all I know is how I feel. And this," I gestured between us, leaving my hand playing with his tie. Before tugging him to be in my face,

"Feels like forever." I whispered, looking him up from my lashes.

He shook his head in adoration, before he could say anything I went with my instinct and engulfed him in a kiss. That sweet tentative kiss, that you only hear about in movies. Before it turned into something more, as he asked entrance for my mouth with his tongue.

I felt that I was in cloud nine.

"Promise me, you are forever." I said between kisses, tugging his tux.

He broke off the kiss, heaving hard. His eyes searched for mine, "I promise."

Before he trapped me in another enchanting kiss that transported me to a galaxy, far far away from here.

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