13- Angel You're a Squirrel

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Chapter thirteen: Angel You're a Squirrel

Chapter thirteen: Angel You're a Squirrel

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"The school office called yesterday."

My ears perked up. The cereal eating coming to a halt.

"Oh really, I wonder why." I drawled out dumbly, when in reality beads of sweat were already forming.

"I raised you. . . kinda right." A snort came out of me. Immediately mom gave me a pointed look. "But I won't tolerate you skipping school. I know it gives you the adrenaline, but this phase of yours has gotta come to an end."


"Did I just heard correctly?" Chills ran down my spine, at the sound of my fathers voice entering the kitchen.

"M-Mom's joking." I stuttered.

The six foot tall, chubby man grudgingly walked past me before giving me a hard squeeze on my shoulder. I froze, not knowing what to do. He barely touched me in past events.

But whatever was going to happened next, was briefly interrupted by a sound falling of something (or should I say someone) into my backyard.


My father let go of my shoulder, whipping his head towards the direction of where the sound came. "What was that?"

"Probably a squirrel." I chirped in quickly, with a sheepish nervous smile. Angel having to jump from my second floor window, was the only way out.

Mom gave me a weird look not believing me.

"There are no squirrels around this town."

"Actually the news had recently stated that there is a new occurring of squirrels. A rare breed to be exact, and that we're lucky-"

"Shut up." My yapping ended due to my dad's harsh words. He took from the alcohol stash his favorite vodka, and left almost tripping.

"A divorce. Pronto." I tried snapping some sense into my mom after he left. Woah, wait a minute did I just nailed a Spanish word? Go Angel.

"I'm trying baby. Now off you go to school-" she got cut off by a car honking like crazy.

"That would be my ride!" Budding adeu with a brief kiss on her cheek.

"No skipping." She whisper-shouted.

"I'll tryy."

Immediately a Cheshire grin crossed my features when I spotted Angel patiently waiting on his familiar black Camaro. I quickly ran, with my backpack and sat down on the passenger seat.

Minutes passed and he still hasn't driven away.

"Oh it's not like I almost broke a leg by jumping out of your window. No need to ask if I'm okay." He spat dryly, with his arms crossed over his chest.

I laughed out loud at his misery. "Are you okay?"

"No. I'm still mad at you." Who would've thought big bad guy in a leather jacket, could be such a drama queen?

"Would a hug make it better?"


"Well," I inhaled and exhaled. "Oh-KÉ."

"Why did you say it that way?"

"You know from that one vine- oh." Angel cut me off by pulling me into a an uncomfortable and comfortable hug. "And he's hugging."


"Guess who's birthday is right around the corner?" Keekee asked me excitedly while on the school's cafeteria, with me finishing up some last minute math homework.

Don't judge me, you do it too.

"Uh, my grandma's." My guessing game sucked. Wait, didn't Nana die of a heart attack last year? Or did I dreamt it?

"Didn't she die of a heart attack last year?" Told you. I shrugged, taking a hold of my beaten up calculator. "Anyways, it's mine!"

I nodded knowingly, not acting like if I didn't knew and was waiting for that Facebook notification to pop out and inform me.

"Cancel your surprise party for me." Keekee commanded, I raised my eyebrows at her amused. She's something else. "Because you only turn seventeen once, imma go big."

"I'm intrigued." Even the other people at the end of the table, that weren't part of the conversation got intrigued also.

And I was. Keekee's parents are both from the medical side, making big bucks while so. Since Keekee's both twin brothers are away for college, she takes that as an advantage to get spoiled. So when she says that she'll go big, she's going big.

"This Saturday, at the country club downtown-"

I gasped. "The one with the big looking ball."

She nodded excitedly with her bouncy curls flying everywhere, holding the urge into squealing. "The very one. Buckle your seatbelts bitches, cause this babe is going to throw a masquerade ball my style. Every high schooler is invited, I already sent out my invitation to twitter. It's trending and everything, see?"

She showed me her phone, my eyes almost bulged out when I saw that it had over 10k retweets.

"Woah, I don't even get five likes on twitter." I said impressed my math homework all forgotten. Someone sat beside me, slinging their arm around me giving me a side hug while so.

I grinned intensely expecting Angel, but then I took the smell of engulfed me.

"Lorenzo! Have you heard about my party this weekend-?"

"Yes, Keeks. Even retweeted."

She clapped excitedly. "Good."

"Heyy." I said sweetly, while I grabbed his collar.

"Hey, back at you." He said as if almost breathlessly, Leaning his forehead against mine.

I turned towards him, Lorenzo did the same while I grabbed ahold of his cheeks. Leant in to give him a peck on his nose, but he quickly rose up his chin so my kiss would land on his lips. "Just like I like it."

"Oh really?" I chuckled lowly, he grinned mischievously back. Grabbing all of a sudden my waist, and having my upper body closer to him.

I squealed. But my ears perked at the sound of the doors slamming. Then I glanced over towards Angel's table, his crew was there but he wasn't. Only could catch a glimpse of him and some red head leaving, with his arms round her shoulder.

As usual, jealousy? I don't know her.

"How bout we take this to the janitors closet?" Lorenzo whispered on my ear, giving me a small lick on the side of my neck. I yelped. Pushing him away.

"Wouldn't that be romantic?" Sarcasm dripped off my voice. Strangely remembering the encounter of when I met Charlie for the first time, that he had caught me and Angel talking.

"Before you guys go fuck each other," Keekee interrupted, making me almost choke on my spit. Even Lorenzo did a double take on his orange juice. "My masquerade balls twist is that's going to be a glow in the dark type of thing. But you'll still have to dress formal. That is all, adiós."

My math homework along with my lunch was all forgotten. Too many thoughts occupying my mind: where was Angel and his crew? Where the heck am I going to get a formal dress for that type of party? And why is Lorenzo rubbing my thigh so much?

"How about that janitor closet offer?"

I glanced towards my math notebook, then back down at his hand on my thigh. Decisions. Decisions. I do need a distraction.

"Oh fuck it."

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